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Zach's POV

Once my stuff is packed I hide it and move everything back from blocking the door. I sit upstairs until Jonah and Corbyn knock. I open the door and they head to bed. I act like I am asleep and Christina comes in later cuddling with Corbyn.

*a few hours later*

Still Zach's POV

I leave a note for the boys and grab my stuff. I drive to the airport and get on my flight. Dallas here I come.

*in the morning*

Daniel's POV

I get up and go downstairs. I start getting stuff out for ceral when I notice a note on the counter. I look it at confused before picking it up and reading it:

Dear boys and Christina,

Due to things that happened yesterday I have left to take sometime to clear my head. I will be back soon don't worry but I want to be left alone. I need time to myself and time to clear my head and figure out how to handle Jack. Yesterday he found out about how I felt about him. I need time to figure out how to handle him. Especially how to handle him without it effecting our friendship and the band. I will see you guys soon. I love you guys


Zach is gone. Maybe its a prank. I go to Corbyn, Jonah, and Zach's room. I open the door and Zach isnt in there. I check the rest of the house and he is nowhere to be found. I go wake up the boys and Christina.

"What is so important Dani?" Corbyn says.

"Zach is gone. Jack found out that Zach is in love with him and Zach took off." I say showing them the note. Christina looks at the note with wide eyes.

"That is my fault" She says.

"How?" Jonah asks.

"I told Jack how Zach felt. Zach told me about their one night stand and I can't be the only one who noticed how they looked at each other or how happy they looked doing Jachary poses for meet and greet pictures or how happy they made each other. I thought Jack was just denying his feelings and maybe him knowing Zach felt the same way that it would help him accept his feelings. But it back fired. Zach took off up here and Gabbie started screaming at Jack about their one night stand. And Jack told her it meant nothing and honestly I couldn't tell if he meant it or not." She explained.

"Okay so I am not crazy" Jonah says.

"What?" Me and Corbyn say at the same time.

"Christina noticed them too. The photos, how happy they were around each other, and the loving looks they gave each other when the other wasn't looking. You can't tell me you didn't see it." Jonah says. "Zach says he needs time. So let him have some time. In the mean time we can try and talk to Jack" We all nod. Time to figure out how to get Jachary together.

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