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Zach's POV 

I go to Jack's apartment to talk to Gabbie. I get there and I knock. The door opens and instead of Gabbie there stands the person I dont want to see at all right now. Of course.

"What are you doing here Zach?"

"I came to see Gabbie and Lavender but obviously I came at the wrong time. Goodbye" I say and I go to walk away. He pulls me back.

"Zach you can't ignore me forever."

"Watch me" I say.

"Zach I'm sorry"

"Jack you lead me on. You made me believe I actually had a chance with you. I'm not your toy Jack. I am a human with feelings."

"I know I am sorry. Honestly"

"I'm not falling for it again."

"You came to tell Gabbie, didn't you?"

"Maybe I did"

"Zach please don't. It would ruin our relationship. It would break her."

"Maybe you should have thought about that before fucking me"

"Zach please"



"No Jack"

"Just listen to me!"

"What part of no do you n-" I start but he kisses me. I melt into the kiss even though I don't want to. He pulls me inside and pins me against the wall. He shuts the door with his foot and continues to kiss me. We make it to his bedroom and soon both of our shirts are off. Jack is kissing down my neck when the bedroom door opens. Jack doesn't hear it but I do. I look over and I see Lavender. "Jack"

"Shhhh" He kisses me.


"Zach shhhh" He says and Lavender runs off. Shit.


"What?" He looks over at the door, where I am looking. "What are you talking about?" He starts kissing my neck again.

"Jac-" He kisses me, cutting me off. I try and push him off as he starts unbottoning my pants.

"Lavender saw you making out with him" Gabbie says from the door way. I jump and Jack jumps away from me.

Gabbie's POV *minutes earlier*

I unlock the door to Jack and I's apartment. I set Lavender down and I put the food on the counter. "Go get Dad up Lav" I tell her. She giggles and runs to our room. She comes back a minute later.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She says

"What Lav?" I answer smiling.

"Daddy kissing Uncle Zachy"


"He kissing him"

"Are they in Mommy and Daddy's room?" I ask and she nods. I pick her up and set her in her high chair. I give her a few toys. "Mommy will be right back"

I walk back to our room to find the door open and my fiancee on top of his best friend kissing him. He is starting to unbotton his pants.

"Lavender saw you making out with your best friend" I say. I cross my arms as Jack jumps away from Zach. "I can't fucking believe you Jack"

"Gabbie please"

"No Jack get your shit and get the fuck out"

"Gabbie we can work this out"

"No we can't I went to get food and I come back to you ontop of your bandmate Jack! You" I point to Zach" you should know better then to sleep with someone who is in a relationship with a fucking kid."

"Bab-" Jack starts but Zach cuts him off.

"I didn't even come over for this I came over thinking Jack wasn't home to tell you 3 nights ago while you were visiting family Jack came over and we ended up sleeping together. And don't let him tell you he was drunk again because we were 110% sober. I know it shouldn't have happened and if I could take it back I would. He told me he was going to leave you. Then yesterday he asks me to be his best man at your wedding. I knew you deserved to know so I came to tell you" Zach says.

"You just want him to yourself"

"Actually at this point I don't. He has lead me on and lied to me too much. Plus if they cheat with you they will cheat on you" Zach says shrugging. He picks up his shirt and puts it on. He buttons his pants back up. "I will let you guys talk about this. I am truly sorry Gabbie. I'm going to take Lavender for a walk so she doesn't have to hear if you guys argue" I nod and he walks out.

Zach's POV

I go out and I grab Lavender from her high chair. I grab her diaper bag and put her in her stroller. We leave and I take a deep breath as we step onto the elevator. We finally get off and I walk her around the block a few times. Then I walk her to the park. I get her out of her stroller and let her play. I keep and eye on her for a while and after about 2 hours shes worn herself out so I put her back in her stroller. We don't even make it out of the park before shes out cold. I laugh and start our walk back.

We make it back to the apartment and I knock. Gabbie opens the door with tears streaming down her face. "He left" She says.

I pull her into a hug. "I am really really sorry"

"I'm just glad I found out before the wedding."

"I would have told you before the wedding."

"Thank you for that"

"You're welcome. Hey if you need a night to yourself I can take Lavender. I'm sure my family and the other boys would love to see her. You look like you need a girls night without the baby. Christina is in town and I'm sure Tate would love to come see you. I could see if Ashley and Esther want to come over too."

"Actually that would be amazing. Thank you again"

"You're welcome" Gabbie gets some of Lavender's stuff packed up. "I'm probably going to stay with Jonah and Corbyn since Jack with probably go to my apartment to go off on me like its my fault."

"I'm not sure I want to know but how did you go from coming over to tell me to almost sleeping with him."


"Seriously tell me."

"I knocked and he answered I told him I was here to see you and he accused me of coming over to tell you. I told him maybe I was and I went to leave and he pulled me back and kissed me. As much as I wanted to pull away because I knew it wouldn't end well, the part of me thats still loves him took over and wouldn't let me" I say, looking at the floor. She nods and we talk for a bit longer before I grab Lavenders stuff and we leave.

For Him//Jachary HaveryWhere stories live. Discover now