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*Skip to when the Baby is born because I said so*

Jack's POV

Gabbie wakes me up and tells me she is in labor. We head to the hospital and as soon as she is checked in I call everyone and tell them. I call Zach last. I have to call him a few times before he picks up. Normally I would just have Jonah wake him up, but a few months ago he moved in with his family.

"Hey Zach, I know its late and you probably don't want to hear from me-" I start but he cuts me off.

"You have 1 minutes to tell me what you need before I hang up and go back to sleep"

"The baby is coming Zach"


"I didn't know if you wanted to be here"

"Not really"


"Bye Jack" He says and he hangs up. Zach has become heartless towards Gabbie, the baby, and I. I mean i don't blame him, but it still hurts. I go back inside and stay with Gabbie. My mind drifting off to when Zach and I were still really close.

Zach's POV

I hang up on Jack and try to go back to sleep but I know I won't be able to. He officially becomes a dad today. I have a mental battle with myself for a while before I finally get up. I get dressed and grab my wallet, my keys, and my phone. I head out to my car and get in. I start it and start my drive.

Before I know it I am at the hospital. I get out and text Jonah asking him which room they are in. He texts back and I head in. I pause outside of their room and peer in. I see them together. Gabbie and Jack. One of his hands is on her baby bump, the other holding her hand. I stand with my back against the wall for a minute before I slide down and sit on the floor.

I sit with my head in my hands for a while. Tears falling here and there. Finally I get up and find a bathroom to wash my face. I look at myself in the mirror for a few minutes before heading back to outside their room.

Finally I get the courage to knock. Jonah opens the door. I walk in. Surprise definite on everyones faces. "Hey...." I say.

"You came?" Jack says.

"Yeah. Of course I would be here for one of my best friend's kid's birth. Especially your first kid Mr. Father." I smile.

"Thank you" Jack comes over and hugs me.

"Of course." I say. "I'm sorry for being an ass these past few months." I whisper.

"It's okay. I get why you did it" He whispers back.

"Its not okay. I should have been more mature about it"

"Zach really its okay"

"Fine" He pulls away and goes back to Gabbie.

*time skip to after baby is born*

Still Zach's POV

We finally are all able to go in and see Jack, Gabbie, and the baby. We go in. "What's her name?" I ask. Jack smiles and looks at Gabbie.

"Lavender May Avery" Jack and Gabbie say at the same time.

For Him//Jachary HaveryWhere stories live. Discover now