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Zach's POV

I go to my parent's apartment and ask them to watch Lav for a sec while I get some clothes. Of course they agree. I go to my apartment and grab some clothes for a few nights and make some calls to the girls for Gabbie.

I go hang out with my family for a bit before heading to Corbyn and Jonah's. I get there and head in. "Hey guys I got a Lavender here with me and I believe the tickle monsters still owes her some tickle attacks." I smile and I set her down. Jonah and Corbyn come running out and chase her around before finally catching her and tickling her. I smile as she goes into a laughing fit.

Corbyn takes her to get something to eat and Jonah sits me down. He asks about what happened when I went to tell Gabbie. I explain everything to him and he agrees Lav and I should stay here.

We go into the kitchen. When we walk in it is an absolute mess. "Corbyn we left you in here for like 10 minutes tops what the hell?" I laugh. I pick up a very messy Lavender. "Someone needs a bath" She giggles and shakes her head.

I take her upstairs and give her a bath while Jonah and Corbyn clean up the kitchen. Jonah makes some food without burning the house or making a mess. We all eat and then we goof off and watch movies until its bed time. Since we don't have a crib Lavender sleeps with me.

*A few hours later*

I wake up to pounding on the front door. I try to ignore it but a few minutes later I hear the door open and 2 people yelling. I slowly get up, making sure not to wake the sleeping Lavender up. I place pillows all around her so she doesn't roll off the bed.

I head downstairs and I find Jack and Jonah arguing, let me rephrase that, I find a drunk Jack and sleepy Jonah arguing. "Shut the fuck up both of you!" I whisper yell. They both look at me. "People are trying to fucking sleep, so let me solve this. Jonah go back to bed and Jack leave and leave me the fuck alone" I say.

"Listen here, you don't get to tell me what to do. You just ruined my relationship we were getting married" Jack slurs.

"Maybe you shouldn't have fucked me and lead me on. You should have been loyal. It's your own damn fault." I say and I slam the door in his face. I lock it and turn to Jonah. "I'm sorry he woke you up"

"Don't be its not your fault. You did the right thing by telling Gabbie" Jonah says.

"I know." I start to tear up and he pulls me into a hug. We stand like that for a while before he makes sure I am okay and we head back to bed.

For Him//Jachary HaveryWhere stories live. Discover now