Emily (Person)

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She is the first OC I have created, though she is a major WIP, as I have never developed her much past appearance and basic personality. I finished drawing her towards the end of June in 2019, so this is a good look at my original art style for humans.

 I finished drawing her towards the end of June in 2019, so this is a good look at my original art style for humans

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There she is in all her glory. Just so you know (JSYK, might be using that acronym later) the word in the cloud is "Emily". Knowing that, you might be able to make that out, though I won't make guarantees.

Here's major critiques (there can probably be hundreds of minor critiques)I have about her but I don't want to change (this is a representation of my drawing ability then, and I like having that physical proof so I can learn from this):

-One arm is way thicker than the other
-Those shoulders...ew
-The head is disproportionate to the torso, as are the legs

Here's what I'm proud of in my artwork, especially considering this is my first one:

-The neck is pretty proportional
-The T-shirt collar is halfway realistic
-You can tell the T-shirt is over the pants
-The hair (I always thought hair was really hard [trust me, it is] but I think I did pretty well)
-The detail in the lips

Okie, enough about the artistic execution, onto the actual character. I'll list her features and the reason I included them (if there is an actual real reason for those choices):

-The name Emily=> I dunno, I liked the name and thought it fit the character (I normally come up with names last or close to last, either way they aren't first)
-Long hair=> I decided that longer hair would work better for her, considering her face shape
-Blonde hair=> I wanted someone to have blonde hair and give her a lighter look
-T-Shirt Design=> I thought a nice graphic tee would look nice, and I thought that the message on it was inspiring and realistic
-Striped Background=> I decided that my OC profiles would have a background to them to give them a bit more personality, so the three black stripes added more color/contrast and make the background interesting (in my opinion)

Finally, I include the basic information I came up with when creating Emily. Like I said before, she's a major WIP, but I do remember these details:

-Well-liked and willing to put herself out there
-Friends with Lily and Piper

Annnnnnnnd that's all! Yep, that's my first OC.


Um, well, I've never done any type of outro before, might want to come up with that now, soooooooooo...

Dream until your dreams come true!

JSYK those are lyrics from Aerosmith. K byeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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