Chapter 1- Why are you ignoring me?

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[Author POV]

The moment the maknae opened his eyes, he knew it was going to be a rough day. His world spun incessantly, his limbs ached and his stomach churned.

"Jungkook-ah! Wake up!"

Loud banging on the locked door with a troubled shout caused Jungkook's head to pound harder.

"C-coming.." Jungkook groaned, sitting up on his bed with a pained hiss. He heard the lock coming undone – apparently his hyungs were master lockpickers – and the door opening.

Jungkook buried his head into his knees and sighed.

"Jungkook-ah hurry up! We're gonna be late for practice!" Namjoon's voice rang in the boy's ears as he unwillingly got up.

Jungkook got dressed into an oversized hoodie and sweatpants, then headed downstairs for breakfast.

He put on a weak smile that his hyungs ignored. He sat on the barstool and slowly ate his breakfast under the condition of his churning stomach, worried he might expel everything back out later in the day.

{Time Skip (cuz I'm really lazy)}

The choreographer noticed that Jungkook kept making mistakes and was starting to get fed up.

"JEON JUNGKOOK THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME YOU'VE MADE THAT MISTAKE! IT GOES LIKE THIS," The choreographer yelled, worsening the maknae's headache as he showed the correct steps.

After the dance practice was over, the hyungs all rushed to Jungkook. Jungkook thought the hyungs finally realised he wasn't well, but oh boy was he wrong.

"Yah Jungkook-ah why did you keep messing up?!"

"Jungkook you made us redo it so many times!"

"Couldn't you have just gotten it right the first try?!"

"It's not easy but all of us, including Jin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung could get it, so why couldn't you?!"

"Jungkook you better do better next time!"

"Stop messing up for once you dork."

The yelling and insults got to Jungkook easily. He shoved past his hyungs and ran to his room, slamming his door and locking it. Why?

[Namjoon POV]

Jungkook shoved all of us aside and ran into his room, slamming the door. How rude! We had the right to do that! We got delayed by 3 hours just because of him!

"Namjoon-hyung you okay?" Jimin's small voice asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm okay Jimin. Now what should we do with that bratty maknae of ours?"

"I don't know." The group said in sync,
exchanging annoyed and angry looks at the thought of their maknae.

"That was rude of him but I feel like maybe we shouldn't have yelled at him..?"

"Jin-hyung are you really pitying him? He messed up so many times there's no way it was an 'accident' hyung. Did you forget about what we discussed yesterday??" I grumbled as the rest of the group agreed.

Jin-hyung thought about it for awhile, then nodded.

All of us decided to ignore Jungkook for the rest of the day and headed back to the dorm to watch Netflix in Taehyung's room.

[Jungkook POV]

As soon as I locked that door of mine that I had just slammed, I lay on my bed and began to sob.

Why do they hate me so much?

Why couldn't they realise like usual?

Why was all the blame on me?

What did I do to deserve this treatment after 6 years?

Why so sudden?

I couldn't bare the thought of losing my hyungs that raised me since I was 15, but at that point of time everything hurt so bad I just wanted to get on a train, back to Busan, and run straight into my mother's arms.

Suddenly, I felt the sour sensation at the back of my throat. I puffed up my cheeks as I dashed to the bathroom.

I locked the door and sat in front of the toilet bowl, immediately expelling whatever I ate that morning out of my stomach.

A mixture of fruit juice, undigested food and water flowed out of my mouth uncontrollably. It barely gave me a second to breathe before the next stream came.

I swear I was seated there for at least thirty minutes.

When I was done, I got up weakly, using the wall as support. I flushed the contents of the ceramic throne and limped my way back into my room. On my way back, I heard loud Netflix shows coming from Taehyung's room.

They were watching Netflix and cuddling without me, again.

I didn't spare a second to care about whatever crap they were doing in there and just headed into my room, falling onto my bed. I covered myself with the warmest blanket I could find, turned off the air-conditioner and proceeded to sleep for the rest of the day, skipping dinner.

Word Count: 801
Chapter 1 «End»

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