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a month after.

"hoon, please! you know you are a popular pick. we need just one more guy so that the matchmaking session can happen" sangyeon begged. he was never this desperate but when he knew that his crush would turn up for the matchmaking session, sangyeon wanted younghoon to be there so this session can happen.

heejin was listening to everything but she pretended to be busy and started texting. in fact, she was just typing away hfsjjksnfks on her notepad. she wished younghoon wouldn't agree. she knew their feelings were both mutual but she was too afraid to start anything. "fine just this once. don't bug me anymore after this" younghoon agreed.

heejin felt her heart shattered. the disappointment in her face was too obvious but only juyeon noticed it since the rest had their attention on younghoon and sangyeon. she wanted to walk away because she was afraid that she couldn't control her feelings. trying to be smooth, she pretended to be on a call and walked away. she sat at one of the benches near the tracking field and sighed. 

who was she to stop him anyway? soon, she was accompanied by juyeon. he gave her smile but heejin only returned a tired smile instead. "why don't you stop him if you don't want him to go?" juyeon asked, making her taken aback.

"what do you mean? i never said i didn't want him to go" heejin said, starting to be defensive. juyeon chuckled and pointed to her face. she sighed and remembered that her feelings are always expressed on her face. "i cant juyeon. it was my fault because i didn't want to get together with him anyway. it's probably a good chance for him to move on. i don't think he can wait for so long for my heart to heal" heejin said, feeling defeated. 


that night when heejin was enjoying her time gaming in the pc room, she was disrupted with her phone notifications.


sangyeon been smiling nonstop i feel tired looking at him


duhh i mean there's chaesol


any cute chick?


yeah there is and she seemed interested at me too




shut up younghoon you know who we all ship you with





heejin lost her enthusiasm to continue gaming. she walked to the playground and sat on the swing while swinging back and forth. she looked towards the ground sand and started to kICk it. she then realised that someone was in front of her and she has dirtied the owner's shoe.

another thing hits her. only he wore that tacky brand. 

she looked up and saw younghoon. what was he doing here? it was only ten minutes ago when he texted the group chat. younghoon pushed up heejin's glasses and joined her to play with the swing. "why do you look so down?" younghoon asked. 

"just tired. aren't you suppose to be hitting up some cute chick?" heejin asked sarcastically. younghoon sensed that her tone wasn't right and chuckled. "why should i hit up another cute chick when the cutest chick is right beside me now?" he asked and turned around to stop heejin from swinging back and forth.

"i'll wait,heejin. till the day you agree to accept me. even if it takes 10 years, i'll wait"


yUHHHHH i tot this book wld flop but damn #2 on younghoon category makes me feel good somehow?? HAHAHAH tHANK U GUYS LUBBB U❤💙

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