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Alice patted the head of the blue dragon that lied down to rest for a while.

" My lady."

She turned around to face one of the soldiers who accompanied her. The man bowed before looking at her.

Soldier: " my lady, we're supposed to be getting closer to our target by now."

Alice nodded at that.

Alice: " the guards that first encountered him brought a cap that he dropped, thanks to our dragons' sharp sense, we will track him easily."

The soldier nodded and ran back to his dragon. Alice then reached for her necklace and was linked to her mother.

Alice: " Mother, I'm almost there. We will capture him soon."

Irene: " make sure to bring him alive, there are a lot of questions I'm willing to ask to that rebel."

Alice nodded before hiding her necklace. A few minutes later, Amayori stood up, ready to fly. She climbed up on its back and flew away...


As she made her way through the hall, she narrowed her eyes at the fat man that appeared in front of her.

Erza: " if it isn't Lord Gordes Musik, I'm impressed you have a face thick enough to show again in the castle after the last time."

The older man gritted his teeth before smirking at her. He had dark blond hair and mustaches along with dark blue eyes.

He was wearing a white suit with golden details, golden belt and dark black shoes.

Gordes: " what Alice-sama said to me was rude that day, but that won't stop me from completing my duty as a commander and advisor."

Gordes was trying hard to convince the queen that in order to afford the people with what they need, they should rise the taxes since the kingdom's treasury was almost empty.

When Alice reached her limit of patience, she yelled at him, telling him people don't have money for a loaf of bread let alone their taxes. Then she added that if he had enough money to fill his stomach to the point that it didn't allow him to bend down anymore, he should be the first thinking of giving some of his money.

Erza: " your duty has no meaning."

She told him as she passed by him. The man clicked his tongue but eventually a sinister smirk appeared on his face.

Gordes: " soon, both you and your sister won't stand in my way."

He meant it as a whisper to himself, but Erza's sharp ears caught it

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He meant it as a whisper to himself, but Erza's sharp ears caught it. She started to feel worried at that.

Erza: " Alice..."...

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