•chapter ten•

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D-23 For the Spring Tournament

"Ahh! Im so sore!" I exhaled. We were sitting in my class with a bunch of snacks. Shiori was sitting on my table, Niyoko was KO on the desk beside mine and Chiyoko was just standing. I took a bite of the pudding bun in my hand. Its so good~!

"You did 50 squats with two 6kg weights! What did you expect to happen?" Shiori hit my head.

"Yeah well. You're right. I should've bought another pudding bread man. It's literally ny life!"

"Why don't you go and just buy another one?" Niyoko sat up.

"WhY dOnT yOu JuSt BuY aNoThEr OnE? Do you think they'll still have this piece of gold left?" I took another aggressive bite out of the bread. I sipped on chocolate milk which was cold and refreshing. There was a pudding bread packet shoved in my face. I traced the hand to find Mr. Lamp Post standing there, with another bread in his hand as he chewed on it. Tendou was with him as well.

"What is this?" I asked him

"Pudding bread ofcourse,"

(A/n: take a shot everytime you see pudding bread)

"You're giving it to me?"

He nodded

"Umm... why though? You eat it."

"One is enough for me. I'm not that hungry today. Just take it!" He threw it into my lap.

"Maiko-chan~" Tendou sang

"Tendou-kun~" I imitated him. He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, "I wrote down the lyrics!"

I chuckled and took the paper from him. "Do you think I will be able to pull it off?" I asked.

"Why don't you sing it?"

"What? Right now?" I raised my voice slightly.

"Yes! Maiko! Sing his iconic song!" Chiyoko cheered me on.

"Go on, Maiko!"

"Okay, okay!" I cleared my throat.

"Baki baki ni ore
Nani wo?
Kokoro wo dayo!
Konagona ni kudake
Nani wo?
Seishin wo dayo!"

I tried my best to imitate Tendou's tone. When I was done, there was a second's silence. Then everyone bursted to laughter. I joined them too, it was pretty silly, not gonna lie.

"I dont know about scaring your opponent, Maiko-chan, but theyll definitely have a good laugh!" He continued to laugh.

I was laughing so hard, my stomach started to hurt. I looked up at Wakatoshi, to find him laughing with us too. I would have never thought that I would see him laugh.

It was....beautiful. His face was lit up, the laugh itself was really cute. I couldnt help but stare at him. He noticed me staring at him and he stared back. A small tint of  pink could be seen on his cheek. Was it there on my cheek too? I hope there is. I hope it makes me look cute.

The bell interrupted our staring contest. Tendou pulled Wakatoshi with him, but our eyes didn't leave each other's until he was out of sight.


During practice, that was all I could think of. His laugh. Its something so small but so beautiful.

I looked down and saw my laces were open so I bent down to tie them up. Just then


A ball hit my head.

"Im so sorry, Koba-san!" Tora apologized immediately.

"It's okay, I should have been more careful."


Everyone's head shot towards the door. It was Tendou. Behind him was Reon. Both of them out of breath.

"You have to come with us, Kobayashi..." Reon huffed.

"Why, what's wrong?!" I stood up, making my way towards the door.

"Semi-kun and Ushijima-kun are fighting."


With that, The three of us sprinted towards the other gymnasium. When we were near the entrance, I could hear the two of them yelling.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" I yell the moment I enter. I saw the two of them tugging at each other's collar. Anger was an understatement. I saw wrath in both of their eyes.

This got me angry

I went to the two of them. The moment they saw me, they let go and fixed their clothes.

I put my hands on my hips, "What the hell is going on?"

No answer

"I need an answer please. What in the actual fuck is going on?!"

"He started it," Wakatoshi pointed at Eita.

"It doesn't matter! What happened that got you fighting like cats?"

The two of them avoided eye contact, still not giving me my answer.


Oh yes. I was in RAGE at this point.

"Um... Maiko-chan..." Tendou tapped my shoulder.

"What is it?!" He got scared by my loud voice.

"Um... they were fighting over you."

"And why over me? What were they saying?"

"Well, let's just say.... the two of them have feelings for you, Maiko-chan. They were fighting over who do you like more."

I couldn't believe my ears. I could not. My gaze slowly shifted to the two of the fighters.

"Is this true?" I ask them.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I hated this habit of mine. I hated when I cry when I
am angry.

Ushijima nodded slowly. Seeing him, Semi started to nod as well.

Tears began to roll down my cheeks.

"I can't believe you two. So what if the other has feelings for the same girl? You just have to buckle up and try your best to ensure tgat the girl chooses you. You don't go fighting your own damn teammate. Did you even see the look on your faces? You looked like you were ready to kill each other," I sobbed, "I don't want to be the reason of broken trust between you two. I don't want to be the reason something happens to this team. I  don't want to be reason that you break your friendship."

"That won't happe-"

"So now you are talking and did not when I asked you to? I've gotten my answers, Ushijima-kun. Thank you. Also, where is Coach Washijo?"

"He was called to the office, he got a phone call." Reon answered.

"Okay. Make sure he doesn't get to know about this. Keep this between the walls of this gymnasium. If word gets out about this, I will get to know who started it, and you will not like what I will do."

I left the gymnasium and went straight to my room, sobbing the whole time.

I mean. I just realised my feelings for Wakatoshi. Now this. I couldn't handle it.

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