•chapter nineteen•

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D-7 we finally figured it out ahaha

"20 more serves!" I yelled.

"Okay, let's do it!" Tamane yelled back. We've been practicing extra since she had to go through a position change. I feel she's improved a lot. She already has high processing ability and is a very good libero for someone who has trained for like 10 days. However there is one problem

"TAMANE!!" I yelled in frustration. She flinched.

"Now, now Maiko-chan, you need to chill a little,"

I looked at the entrance and found Tendou, Wakatoshi and Eita were standing.

"Do you mind if we sit here?" Eita asked.

"No of course not!"

I turned back to Tamane and sighed.

"Tamane-chan. You're already receiving my serves, which not to brag a lot of people can't do and you're following Chiyoko's advice perfectly. You just need to dive! JUST DIVE! You have knee and elbow pads on, its a smooth and polished floor, you won't get hurt!"

"But what if I do??" Tamane pouted. I went to her and patted her back.

"You're overthinking. Just trust yourself. I know you won't make wrong calculations. You cannot afford to overthink in a match. I will serve 20 more times. I won't tell you when you need to do what. Trust your instincts and act accordingly. Okay?"

"Maiko-chan really takes time with her teammates, I see." Tendou commented.

"Of course. I trust Tamane, she just needs to trust herself."

I served about 5 times before serving so that Tamane would have to dive. To our surprise she did and the ball landed on my side of the court.

"I did it!" She threw a fist in the air. I smiled proudly, "Will you dive again?" I asked.

"Bring it on, Koba-san!"


It was Coach Haruno.

"I wanted to talk to you, " she eyed the boys with suspicion. I threw the ball in my hand at Eita, "Do you mind serving for her?"

"No problem. Let's go Tamane-chan!"

Coach Haruno took me outside. I was nervous. Did she get to know?

"I know that you are dating Ushijima."

My eyes widened at those words.

"Even Coach Washijo. In fact I think more than half of the school knows by now.  But, we are allowing to do what you two want because you two dating hasn't seem to affect your performance negatively. Yet. I obviously don't mind. Its Coach Washijo. If he feels something's wrong. He may make you two breakup. So, you two need to be careful."

I bowed, "Thank you, Coach! We won't give you a chance to complain!"

"How is Tamane doing?"

"She's improved a lot. I'm sure she won't disappoint in a match."

"She better not, we don't have anyone else fitting for a libero. Fine then, I'll be leaving. Practice hard but don't overwork yourself. There's only a week left, we have to shorten practice time a bit so that you guys can rest. I'll announce new practice timings tomorrow. See you then."

I went back inside and saw Tamane jumping around. She came and hugged me.

"Wha-what happened?"

"She was able to dig 8 consecutive times!" Eita huffed.

"Congratulations! I'm so happy, you finally got it!"

"Thank you so much, Koba-san!"

I laughed and patted her head, "Let's close up. I don't want to overwork you. Practice was really hard today."

After we locked the gymnasium, I called Wakatoshi.

"Coach Haruno and Washijo know."

"Know what? Oh," his jaw dropped when he realised what that 'what' was.

"But we're allowed to date. Unless we seem distracted or are not performing well, that is."

"Well... I'll try my best, I guess? I can't get distracted from volleyball, though,"

"Neither do I but I will try my best too."

"Wakatoshi-kun! We have to go!" Tendou called him.

"Okay, I'll see you at dinner then?"

"Yeah, bye!"


During dinner, Shiori, Nyoko, Wakatoshi, Tendou, Eita and I sat on one table. Ever since Wakatoshi and I started dating, all the six of us became one group of friends. We always sat together during meals and hung out during breaks.

Eita seemed a little off during dinner and so I asked.

"Eita, is everything okay?"

He took a deep sigh before answering,"I am not the main setter this time too."

"Why?!" The girls exclaimed along with me.

"Coach Washijo thinks he plays 'recklessly' while in reality he doesn't always toss to me. Which made Coach Washijo think he doesn't think through his play. I actually think it's justified to not always toss to me. The opponent can get used to my spikes."

"I swear Coach can get a little too extreme when things don't go hid way, huh?" Nyoko pointed out.

"Well I'm at least Pinch Server. Hopefully I get to serve."

I could sense the disappointment in his voice. I know how much he loves volleyball. Not being able to play is the worst thing to happen to any athelete.

Coach Washijo is stern beyond imagination and I couldn't help but think of Wakatoshi and my relationship.

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