•chapter twelve•

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Eita's pov

I went back to my dorm after practice, my mind was still occupied with what I had done. I took a quick bath and started to do my work. I was so lost in thought, I didn't even realise how much time had passed. My roommate called me to dinner but I wasn't hungry so I denied. The clock on my table flashed 10:24 by the time I was done.

I layed on my bed. Thinking about why I acted the way I did. Did I really like Maiko-chan? Could I imagine her and I together? All these thoughts were processed one by one and that was when realisation hit me.

I had to apologise to Ushijima-kun.

I closed everything and went to his room. Sweat formed on my forehead as I knocked the door.

"Who is- what is it, Semi?"

"I'm so sorry its a little late but hear me out, okay?"

"Wait, come inside and talk."

I went in his room and he sat on his bed.

"You can sit down anywhere you want, you know that, right?"

I sat on his chair.

"About what happened today, I wanted to apologise. The thing is, I realised I don't actually like Maiko-chan,"

His eyes widened at my words, "I...what?"

"Yeah. See, she's the first girl who's been so close to me as a friend. When I saw her getting close to you, I started to get jealous.  It was jealousy but in a platonic way. It took me some thought to realise this, but I was just scared that her and I may get distant or something, I was never jealous of you two liking each other. I'm so sorry for what I did today. She got so mad at us, I couldn't think straight,"

Ushijima's face softened, "Thanks for telling me Semi-kun. I was scared that the fight would have an impact on our performance...and friendship. I was going to ask you tomorrow if there was something else that was wrong. I'm happy you told me this."

"Thank you for understanding! I swear you can go ahead and date her I don't mind. In fact I can't think of a better boyfriend for her than you!"

He started to blush, "Okay, okay, stop. We have to apologise to her, though. It's better if we do it first thing tomorrow."

"Okay," I got up to leave, "Good night Ushijima-kun,"


As discussed, I waited for Ushijima to come to my class before the first bell rang. When Maiko-chan entered the class, she did not even look at me. She went straight to her seat and put her head on her desk.

I saw Ushijima at the door and waved him to come inside. We just stood by her desk, eyeing each other.

"Um, Maiko-chan?" I called her.

"What is it?" Still not looking at us.

"We....uhm....we wanted to a-apologise."

She sat up and looked at the two of us. That was when I got a good look at her face. She had puffy and red eyes. Did she cry?

"We are really sorry for our behaviour, Maiko."

"I..... I'm really sorry....uhm...I was the one who started it, " I pulled two chairs for Ushijima and I, "I realised I didn't like you romantically. It was just, you're the first friend I have who is a girl, and I was jealous that you would...forget about me? I don't know, its complicated to explain but I just didn't want to lose you- OW!"

Maiko had hit my head, "How stupid of you to think I would forget about you. Whether I have a boyfriend or girlfriend, I won' leave your side, okay? Get that in your head!"

She hit my head again, "And dont ever fight with each other or any of your teammates ever again, okay? I swear to god, I got so scared..." She hugged the two of us out of the blue. "Just don't fight, okay?" She whispered.

I looked at Ushijima and he looked at me. We hugged her back, when we heard sobs from here.

"Maiko-chan, are you crying?" I asked.

"Yeah," she pulled back and wiped her tears.

"Hey, don't cry!" Ushijima wiped her tears too. The bell rang and Ushijima had to go back to his class.

"I'll see you around,"

I finally felt at peace. I was so happy that she forgave us.

"Hey, Eita. How come Wakatoshi didn't say anything about why the whole fight took place?" She asked. Oh she knows that he still likes her huh.

"Well, it's best if you discuss that with him itself," I smirked as she blushed.

Just get together already.

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