•chapter twenty-three•

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The girls entered the court with a whole lot of doubt and confusion in their minds. Lose this set? What if they lose the whole match? Needless to say it was rather hard for the girls to hold back. They were always so used to shadow over their opponents, being asked to step down was difficult.

The score being 5-5, it was Shiratorizawa's turn to serve.

"Nyoko, nice serve!"

Nyoko made a mental note to serve to Sato Misumi as she was good at recieves. It felt weird on the inside for her, but yet she served and it went to her target. The setter tossed it to Fujishima who spiked the ball.
It was a point to Aoba Johsai.

When the score got to 10-9, Shiratorizawa in the lead, Aoba Johsai's turn to serve, Maiko's prediction came true. They substituted Number 9 for Number 5. She took a quick look at the coach who nodded and ran her thumb across her neck.

Go all out.

Maiko was at the front with Nyoko and Hanami. She nudged both of them and repeated the same gesture. Nyoko hid both her hands behind her back and made a X.

Go all out

Number 5 served, which was at an incredible speed but it was successfully received by Tamane. The next second, Aoba Johsai heard the sound of the ball hitting the ground. Maiko had killed it.

It was time for the strategic timeout again. Maiko was fuming. She was radiating so much anger, it was like a heat wave for her teammates.

"Good that you read my gesture in time. Eiichi, tell them what happened during the interhigh?"

"Yes! I still have those notes! So as Koba-san said, they pinched in number 5 after we had reached 10 points. That time they ended up getting a two point lead because of the server. But as we saw they didn't get a point, the score is now 16-9. During the interhigh, after we had gotten the lead at 18-16, they had started to toss only to Fujishima, from which they got a lead, and then we had gotten a point. After that happened, they switched setters. They won that set."

"All I will say is go all out. You are definitely stronger and can beat that strategy now."

"Then why did you tell us to lose this set?"

"I was just trying to confirm without you using up your energy. It should be an easy match, this one."

"Is this a joke?" Maiko muttered. Before she could continue, the timeout was over. Shiori patted her back, "Keep your calm, Maiko,"

"What's wrong with Seijoh?"

"Why aren't they playing well?"

"20-9? They haven't scored once since the timeout!"

"Is this really Seijoh?"

Shiratorizawa won the second set as well.

"HEY FUJISHIMA YOU BITCH!" Maiko yelled. Rage had taken over her. Everyone flinched as she yelled.

"DO YOU REALLY THINK SO LOWLY OF SHIRATORIZAWA? DO YOU REALLY FUCKING THINK YOU CAN BEAT US WITH A STRATEGY YOU ALREADY LOST WITH HUH?" She went closer to Fujishima. Nyoko and Shiori held her. She tried to pull herself from her grip as she continued.


The referee had to step in. Before he could do anything, Nyoko and Shiori pulled her to their side of the court. Shiori handed her her Capri Sun."Maiko what was that?" The coach crossed her arms. Maiko sat on the bench, looking down.

Maiko felt humiliated. Her team and her had worked so hard, putting in hours of practice, injuries, and they just walk in trying to beat them having done nothing? She felt that they had disrespected the sport she loved so dearly. She herself felt disrespected.

One may think it was a little over dramatic for someone to lose their shit over something like this. But it was a matter of pride for Maiko, which was now being crushed.

So she decided to do exactly that to Seijoh. Her face was expressionless as she played. She had gotten into a zone which eliminated any other thought except for wanting to destroy her opponents. She didn't care about what happened in the inter high anymore.

And well, they won. The crowd cheered. The team cheered. Everyone but Maiko. She didn't want to win like this. She was snapped out of her zone when the whole team hugged her. She thought that she should be happy for the team at least. So she put on a mask of a sort and started to cheer with them.

"The award ceremony is going to be after the boys' match. You can go watch it still they are going to finish the third set."

Shiori and Nyoko pulled Maiko towards the boys' court. They rushed through the crowd and joined their school.

"What happened so far?" Maiko asked a classmate of hers who was there to cheer.

"Kobayashi! Did you win?"


"That's awesome! They won the first set, lost the second, and now it seems like they are gonna win this set too!"

And he was right just about a few minutes later, the third set had come to an end. During the break, the crowd was quiet. Maiko took this chance to get the boys' attention.

"SHIRATORIZAWA!" She yelled. Everyone immediately turned to her. So did the boys' team. Once Wakatoshi's met eyes with Maiko, she threw a fist in the air. He got the message and nodded.

The school started their chant again.

"We have to win this," he told his team.

"Is it because Maiko-chan is here now?" Tendou teased Wakatoshi.

"Who's that?" Hinata asked, lowkey scared by the volume the girl had.

"Oh her?" Coach Ukai squinted in the crowd. "She's Japan's second best ace in girls."

"What?!" The team exclaimed.

"Even the girls' are really good." Daichi nodded, "I saw her play once. It was against Michimiya. Destroyed would be an understatement."

A shiver ran down Hinata's spine.

"Okay boys! We have to win this!"

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