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------- ELAIA -------

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------- ELAIA -------

It's Saturday, and that means I have to spend six hours at the camp today. Every girl should always put others before herself, so we're all required to volunteer once a week. At least, until we're married.

I don't mind volunteering. Partly because it means that I'll spend the day out of the house, and I'll get to see my friends. And I might even get to see Kreston today.

I take my time getting ready, making sure there isn't a wrinkle in my skirt, and that every blond curl is perfectly in place. I'm wearing a pale yellow dress since I know yellow is Kreston's favorite color. I paint my lips with pale pink and add a little bit of blush to my cheeks. Mother always says to keep my makeup simple and feminine.

Once I've inspected my appearance for the umpteenth time I turn and head downstairs to help Mother prepare breakfast.

"Good morning, my dear Elaia," she greets, looking as elegant as always in a pale blue gown with her soft blond curls pinned back.

"Good morning, Mother," I reply as I begin to cut the fruit and cook the oatmeal that she and I will be eating, while Mother cooks the eggs and sausage for Father and my brothers. And the pancakes. Mother and I are only allowed sweets on special occasions. It's important for us girls to watch what we eat, since it's easier for us to gain weight.

"Did you sleep well?" Mother asks.

I nod. "I did. I'm looking forward to volunteering today," I tell her.

She smiles softly. "That's good, dear. I think I hear the boys in the dining room," she says, as she finishes making up their plates of food. She sets them on a big serving platter.

"Bring the coffee," Mother instructs as she hoists the tray and I do as I'm told, following her into the dining room where my father is seated at the head of the table, and my four brothers seated next to him, two on either side of him. Mother sets Father's plate down first, giving him a kiss on the cheek as she does.

"Good morning, my dear," Father greets her with a smile as he sets his tablet off to the side. Once mother has set each of my brother's plates down, I pour the coffee, serving Father first.

"Good morning, Elaia," he greets, nodding thanks as I finish pouring his coffee.

"Good morning, Father," I reply, giving him a soft smile. I pour the coffee for my brothers and return to the kitchen, where Mother has already made up our bowls of oatmeal and fruit, and a cup of tea for each of us. We join the rest of the family at the dining table. Mother and I eat in silence while listening as Father talks about the news with my brothers. I love listening to their conversations, even if I don't understand most of what they talk about.

But sometimes I imagine that I do understand, and that I'm able to talk with them about things like business and politics. Sometimes they talk about the camps, and since I volunteer there, I do understand those conversations. But interrupting the men would be improper and disrespectful. Father mentions my volunteer work and Talin sneers.

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