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------ ELAIA -------

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------ ELAIA -------

"The girl who doesn't cross her ankles when she is seated is asking for trouble," our etiquette instructor, miss Allery tells us in her shrill voice.

"When a girl makes such a vulgar display of unladylike behavior she is saying to the world that she is not a lady, but a heathen, and she becomes responsible for everything that happens to her," she continues on.

"Always remember this, especially when you are in the presence of men," miss Allery tells us, her hands clasped behind her back as she paces back and forth at the front of the classroom, her pink heels clicking against the white floor. "Men don't marry heathens."

"Who cares," I hear Castine mumble under her breath from her seat in front of me. Miss Allery freezes, turning towards Castine.

"What was that, dear?" She asks with a sweet smile plastered across her lips. She clasps her hands in front of her, waiting for a response.

Castine fidgets in her seat. "Uh, nothing, I was simply agreeing with you," she lies.

"Well, a lady should never mumble, and she shouldn't stutter, either," miss Allery replies, still smiling at Castine. "A girl should always speak clearly and respectfully. Remember that, girls," she says, nodding to us before returning to her lesson on posture.

I try to pay attention but it's no use. Etiquette class was always my least favorite class the last time I was here, and not much has changed.

I've been back at the facility for a few days now and to say the least, my roommate and I do not get along. Castine is always questioning things and getting herself into trouble. She wants to find a way out of the facility with the other girls from her city.

I couldn't care less. I just want to get back to Kres, and that's not going to happen if I act out. Acting out is the reason I ended up back at the facility in the first place. I know better than to make that mistake a second time. I'm not getting sent to the terrible place.

I spend quiet time dreaming of the life Kres and I will have together just as soon as I get out of here. We'll make time for each other. I know we will. Nothing is going to keep us apart. Not his place in our city, or mine.

History class goes by quickly and by the time lunch comes around, my stomach is grumbling with hunger. 

I'm expecting to sit alone, but I'm one of the last girls in line. By the time I've gotten my food, all the tables are full. Except for the one Castine is seated at. I let out a small sigh before walking over and taking the seat across from her. 

"Hey," she says after a moment, poking at her salad. I get the feeling that Castine doesn't like salad very much. "Were the other tables all full?" She asks me, not meeting my gaze. 

"Yes," I reply, wishing lunch was already over. Castine and I hardly say two words to each other in our room, let alone eat meals together. This is awkward, and I'll be relieved when lunch is over. 

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