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------- CASTINE -------

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------- CASTINE -------

When I wake up, I think I'm home in my own bed at first. I take a deep breath, expecting the sweet scent of coffee but I get the stale, bitter air of the facility instead. 

I've been locked up in this room all by myself for three days so far. Twice a day they bring me a bowl of oatmeal and a glass of water. They don't bring me tea anymore. Not since I poured the scalding hot liquid on the guard before smashing the tea cup to bits yesterday morning. 

When they bring my breakfast this morning, I wolf down the bland oatmeal, and drink down my water afterwards to wash away the taste. I've only been eating their disgusting food to keep up my strength so that I can escape and get back to my brother.

Once I'm finished, I push the empty tray across the floor, crawling back into bed, prepared for another day of solitude. But just as I'm laying down I hear the door click open and I sit up, wondering who's come to see me. 

Two young women stand in the doorway, outfitted in grey gowns, loosely draped over their thin frames. One of them can't be more than fourteen, and the other is probably around my age. The younger one has big, pleading green eyes and the other girl has a dejected look painted across her features. I wait for them to speak up, but they never do. They only stare back at me, silent and unblinking. It's beginning to creep me out. 

"Yes?" I finally prompt, hoping they'll state their business and leave me alone. When they don't respond, a horrifying sense of dread begins to set in. What is wrong with these girls? They're not blinking, not speaking, not moving. I'm not even sure they're breathing.  

"What do you want?" I ask, agitation slipping into my words. 

"They won't answer you." I stiffen at the sound of Sebastian's voice. My heart begins to beat a little faster as the two girls part to let him into the cell. He's dressed in the same black uniform as the last time I saw him, his green eyes seeming to bore into my soul. 

Instinctively, I back away from him, hitting the wall. 

"Good morning, Castine," he greets calmly, clasping his hands behind his back.

"How the fuck do you know my name?!" I hiss at him, crossing my arms over my chest. 

Sebastian chuckles lightly. "Your DNA was quite easy to trace, miss Reyes," he continues with a smirk, telling me that he also knows my last name. "Are you tired of your solitude yet?"

"Not quite yet," I reply with a sly smile. "I like my solitude, and I'd rather spend another ten years locked in this room than have to see your ugly face ever again," I hiss back, glancing to the faded scratches I left on his cheek a few days ago. A bit of pride swells in my chest. 

Sebastian frowns. "You really must learn respect. Your remarks are quite unbecoming." He takes another step into my room. 

I laugh. "It's really cute that you think you're going to be able to change me, Sebastian." This guy has to be a joke. 

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