In the city of Vir girls are property, bred and raised to be the perfect wives. To serve and obey and honor the men that rule their city.
Elaia has always been content with her place in society. She is a perfect daughter, and with any luck she'll b...
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------- ELAIA ------
After lunch one of the handlers tells me I have a visitor which confuses me because I thought we weren't allowed to have visitors at the facility. Nobody came to visit me the last time I was here.
I follow the handler down the hall, past Mr. Morrison's office towards the front lobby. As we walk, I try to hide my shaky hands. Am I being sent away? Are they here to take me to the terrible place? The thought terrifies me. "Am I in trouble?" I can't help but ask.
The handler ignores my question as he opens the door to the lobby, ushering me inside the big white room. At the other end are the shining glass double doors that lead to freedom. I could try to make a run for it, but then they'd send me to the terrible place for sure.
The receptionist seated at the desk nods to the handler as he leads me down a corridor to the left of the entrance. It's a long, concrete hallway with lights set into the ceiling and security cameras every one hundred feet. I've never been down this hallway before. It's creeping me out.
"Where are you taking me?" I ask the handler, our shoes clicking against the concrete floor as we walk.
"Be quiet," the handler snaps back, giving me a stern look over his shoulder. I give a slight nod, remaining quiet as we walk towards the edge of the hall, passing frosted glass doors with gold letters painted on them. I wish I could read what they say. Castine would be able to read them.
At the end of the hall there is another glass door. The handler opens it, waiting for me to step outside. I hesitate a moment, afraid of what will be waiting for me.
"Hurry up, girl. I don't have all day," the handler spits impatiently.
"Sorry," I murmur, stepping out into the fresh air. He shuts the door behind me and I am left in a small garden with trees surrounding it, poured concrete, benches wrapping around the entire area, and tall glass walls surrounding the enclosure.
When I see him all the stress from the inspection this morning melts away. All my fears dissipate and I run to him. "Kres!" I cry, nearly sliding on the concrete as I rush towards him.
He stands, taking me in his arms. We hold each other for a long time. "I missed you so much," he whispers in my hair, kissing my hair over and over.
"I missed you too," I whisper back, tears filling my eyes. It's only been a week, but it feels like I've spent an eternity without him.
We finally pull away and he rests his hands on my elbows, inspecting me. "Are you alright?" Kres asks, the concern evident in his voice.
I nod. "I'm alright," I tell him as he wipes my tears away with his thumbs. "Just really glad you're here," I add with a laugh. He cups my cheek in his hand, staring down at me with those adoring green eyes. After a moment the smile fades from his lips and he drops his hand.