Six (MBS)

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"I took the pill." You complain to Oscar,"I told you we should have been using condoms." You say and run you hand down your face in annoyance, Oscar standing there with a victorious smile,"You did this to me! Again!"

"If I remember correctly it takes two to make a baby." He chuckles and places the positive pregnancy test down on the dresser,"You weren't complaining about me not wearing a condom when I was hitting it the other day."

"Ugh, shut up." You groan and pull your hair into a messy bun,"You won, congratulations. I'm having another one of your kids." You weren't mad, you knew you could have been smarter in preventing yourself from getting pregnant but the truth was you hated what birth control did to your body and you did not like the way a condom felt. You were just annoyed that Oscar was going to rub this in your face forever,"You fucked yourself, because now we're going to have three kids in our room, you get to explain that to Angel. He already hates sharing the bed with Alex."

"Those two have a shared room upstairs, and their own beds. So by the time my little girl gets here they are going to be well trained on sleeping by themselves." Oscar says simply,"They have a few more months left  until we have to kick them out."

"Girl? Ha!" You laugh as you throw one of the couch pillows at him,"I'm positive it's another boy seeing as we've already done this five times."

"Hormones already changing?" He teases as he lets the pillow hit him in the chest and fall to the ground,"How far along do you think you are with my princesa?"

"Oscar, I swear to you if I have to carry another one of your boys I'm getting my tubes tied." You pout, ignoring his question

"Mami, you don't have to worry. It's a girl, it has to be." He says as he walks over to you and pulls you into his arms,"Six kids, it'll be more than perfect."

"I guess we'll have to wait and see if your right. Probably not."

"I will be, try and get an appointment in as fast as you can okay? I want to know how far along you are so we can start planning."

"I can't be more than eight weeks, I just took notice in my body changing, but who knows since you almost never manage to pull out in time." You say smartly

"It's harder than you think, and it's not exactly what I'm focused on when I'm trying to finish." He defends

"Whatever, your pull out game is weak. I've known this since you got me pregnant after the first time we ever did anything. Best five minutes of my life."

"I was sixteen that does not count." He laughs,"It was more like seven if you want to be technical."

"You keep telling yourself that papi." You say with a shake of your head,"Go pick up the kids from you brothers house, I'll get dinner started. Looks like we got some big news to tell them."

"Okay." He says and pecks your lips,"Make sure you eat enough for my bebecita. She's gonna have a appetite like her daddy."

"Go away!" You laugh and lightly push him towards the front door,"I'm going to get the last laugh when we find out it's most definitely not a girl."

"Wanna bet money?" He challenges as he grabs his keys off the hook.

"Your money is my money, and my money is my money." You grin

"Niña mimada." He teases, giving you another kiss,"See you in a bit, love you." He mutters against your mouth.

"I love you. Drive safe." You say, not shutting the door until he's in the car and out of the drive way.


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