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8:12 am-

You don't know how long you laid in bed awake. You just knew today you were going to be in one of your moods. You woke up feeling bored,needy, and a bit fidgety. Right now all you wanted to do was wake up the sleeping man next to you so you wouldn't feel so alone.

"Oscar wake up." You say softly as you poke his cheek gently,"Oscar." You repeat, this time tickling his nostril with your bright pink nail.

"What the...let me sleep." He mumbles as he wipes his nose before turning away, his eyes never opening.

You groan and lay flat on your back, staring at the ceiling. Your legs flying up in the air one at a time as a morning 'workout'. The movements disturbing Oscar as he sits up and looks over at you with squinted eyes,"Que mierda estas haciendo?"

"Working out duh." You reply, your legs going quicker,"One, two. One, two. One, two." You count

"Hell nah, we ain't about to do all that." He says as he captures your legs and pushes them down into the mattress,"Go to bed."

"I'll try, but no promises." You tell him and fold your arms. Oscar pulling the comforter back over your body before laying back down again and dozing off rather quickly.  You glance at him a moment later, not being able to sit still as you groan loudly and toss the heavy comforter back off of you. A few more groans leaving your mouth so Oscar could pay attention to you.

"Stop it mamas." You hear him say before he buries his head under his pillow.

"I can't!" You whine,"I'm so bored, I can't lay here anymore. I'm going to go crazy and you don't even care. All you want to do is sleep for 200 years ."

"If I get up will you stop being so annoying?" He asks



9:44 am

"I'm bored." You tell Oscar who sat next to you on the couch, a bowl of cereal in each of your hands as the tv plays an old episode of Family Guy.

"Watch the fucking tv then." He says through a mouthful of milk and Captain Crunch.

"I don't want to. I've seen it already." You complain, swirling your spoon around the bowl before setting it on the coffee table.

"Then change it mami, what do you want me to do?" He asks, shoveling another bite into his mouth.

"I don't want to watch any tv." You groan, standing up and stomping your foot,"I hate it here. It's so boring."

"Wanna go for a ride?" He asks, looking up at you.

"Am I a dog?" You scoff, leaning down to pick up the bowl,"No. I don't want to go for a ride." You answer, heading to the kitchen so you could rinse it off.

"Well, what do you want to do then?" He asks, standing up as well and waiting for you to be done so he could wash his dish as well,"Any ideas?"

"I don't know." You shrug, hopping up on the counter as you watch him,"I always think of something. Can't you ever think of something for us to do for once? Why's it always gotta be me?"

"Aye, lose the attitude nena." He says as he drys his hands off with a rag, going over to give you a kiss,"Think of something you want to do and we'll go do it."

You push his face away and roll your eyes, not letting his lips touch yours as you jump down to your feet,"No kisses." You say

"What did I do?" He asks as he throws his arms up

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