Shut Up Mom! (MBS)

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"Mommy can you help me with a Tik-Tok prank on daddy?" Carlos asks from where you rest on the couch with your swollen feet up, Alexander taking a nap in your arms.

"I wanna watch Tik-Tok." Angel says as he sits in time out from a tantrum he had minutes prior.

"No talking. You sit there and think about what you did." You warn him before turning your attention to your third born,"What do I have to do?" You ask him with a smile, you needed some excitement in your life and this was the perfect way to get that. Especially since your little girl was about to be here any day now.

"Okay so all you need to do is..." Carlos begins to explain the instructions, even showing you a few videos as a reference,"Got it?"

"I do, but do you think you can out run your dad? Maybe we should tell Anthony or Junior to do it." You suggest, already knowing that Oscar doesn't play when it comes to your kids being disrespectful.

"Junior won't be back until this weekend." He says as he thinks his idea over,"Let me go ask Tony." He decides before taking off up the stairs and into their shared bedroom.

"Mommy? Can I come sit with you now?" Angel asks quietly from the corner,"Pwease?"

"Are you sorry for being mean to Alex? You have to share with him, he's your little brother. And soon Santana is gonna be here, are you going to be mean to her?"

"No mommy, I'll be good. I'll tell Alex sorry when he wakes up."

"Okay, but if you mess up one more time today I'm telling daddy."

"No! No daddy! I'm a good boy. Pinky promise." He says as he runs over and jumps on the couch next to you,"I'm gonna be a good big brother." He says as he carefully places a kiss to the sleeping boys head before doing the same to your stomach.

"I believe you. Now shhh, don't wake him up."

"Shhh." He repeats with a head nod before laying back against the cushion and grabbing his tablet.

"Okay mom, I'll do it but if he ends up grabbing me I'm throwing hands." Anthony says as he comes down with Carlos.

"I'll have your back." Carlos says firmly with a clap on his back. Angel chiming in that he will to as he keeps his eyes focused on his game.

"Then you better run fast." You laugh,"He should be home any minute now, so stretch those legs."

You guys end up practicing a few times, Alexander awake in his pack n play by the time Oscar's truck is pulling into the drive way,"He's here, get ready!" Angel screams as he peeks out the window. Carlos hands you his phone, the app already set up before taking a seat with Angel. Anthony sitting on the steps mentally hyping his self up.

"Best looking Diaz is home!" Oscar shouts out after walking in the house and kicking his work boots off by the door,"Whatcha all doing?" He asks as he joins you all in the living room, undoing the buttons on his dirty uniform.

"Nothing I'm just trying to get these boys to clean up their rooms." You sigh after pressing record, Oscar leaning over the back of the couch to peck your lips in greeting quickly,"They haven't been listening to me all day."

"Why aren't they clean?" He asks as he looks in between the three older boys,"I'll go throw away every toy and video game I bought if those rooms aren't spotless by tonight, when your mom says to do something you do it. Understand me?"

"Yes sir." All three boys nod simultaneously.

"Well go on then, I've been telling you all day. Anthony please clean y'alls bathroom too."

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