I Got You

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You've been dating Oscar for a few months now, this fact being known to almost everyone except for your parents. You hated all of the lying and sneaking around, but you know them well enough to know that they just wouldn't understand. You are one of the few lucky people that get to see the soft side of Oscar and what lays underneath his rough exterior. They would only see a thug with no bright future, and that would not be acceptable for their only daughter.

You're walking in through the front door after heading to grab breakfast with Oscar, having lied to your parents by informing them that you were going with one of your close childhood friends. You don't even manage to get the door closed before your dads booming voice startles you, demanding that you come into the living room,"Yes sir?" You ask as you do as told, standing behind the couch as your parents stand on the opposite side,"Is everything okay?" Confusion laced in your words.

"Do you want to explain to me why the hell I just got a call from Mr.Fernando saying that he seen MY daughter fraternizing with some Freeridge hood rat?" He demands angrily as you stand there with shock written all over your face. You gulp and glance at your mother momentarily, your brain scrambling to come up with something.

"What are you talking about? I was with Marian-" you begin to say, being cut off before you can finish.

"Don't lie Y/N. I called Marianna's house. Her parents informed me that she's staying with her cousin for the week." Your mom interjecting, the disappointment clear in her tone.

"I'm sorry." You say, your mouth slightly parted and your hands trembling,"It's not like that though. He's just a friend and a good guy, I promise."

"If he was so good then you wouldn't feel the need to lie to us all of a sudden." He snaps,"Seriously Y/N, I thought we raised you better then this. Yet here you are being seen with some tattooed cholo. You are forbidden from seeing him ever again, do you understand?!"

"No! You can't do that, please dad." You cry out, your eyes filling with tears,"Mommy? Please help me. We just went to go eat breakfast." You plead.

"End of discussion...I agree with your father. Now go upstairs and get out of my sight. I can't stand to look at you right now." She says coldly causing your tears to spill over. You stand your ground for a few moments, looking in between the both of them before shaking your head in anger, refusing to believe what just happened.

"You didn't even give me a chance to explain." You say quietly before you head to the stairs and up to your bedroom. Slamming the door quite loudly before throwing yourself on to the bed. Tears stream down your face as you pull out the secret phone that Oscar bought for you a while back. Finding his number in the recent call log and pressing the green button. You put it to your ear, getting up to lock the bedroom door as it rings.

"Hey bebe, miss me already?" He jokes when he finally answers.

"Oscar." You cry softly,"They found out about us. My parents found out."

"Shit. What did they say? Tell me." He says, instantly getting angry that you were in tears and that it was such a issue for you guys to be together,"Don't cry mami. Cuéntamelo todo.(Tell me everything)

"That I can't see you anymore. I don't know what to do, they're so mad at me. I'm scared to even leave my room." You say as you move to sit at your window, leaning against it as you close your eyes,"I can't just stop seeing you. I won't ever do that." You reassure him.

"I know, I know you won't. We just have to be smart about this and lay low for a bit. No more going out together in public and being more careful when we do get to see each other." He suggests,"I have enough problems as is. I don't need your parents trying to start something with me Y/N. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh mamas but I'm just trying to be honest and realistic."

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