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For @_That_Melanin_Tho
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You were sitting inside by yourself, not really in the mood to go to the carnival with the group. You wanted some alone time, something you regretted as soon as Oscar walked out of the door. You got insanely bored and just wanted some company, anyone's company. You reach for your phone and click on Oscar's number, deciding that he's been gone long enough.

*Where are you :(*, you type out before hitting send.

*Fixing to bounce nena, I got Monse and the other chick with me though. They're fucked up, Ima give them a ride back to the neighborhood. Trying to get them in the fucking car.*

*Lol, good luck with that. Just try to hurry, okay? I miss you and I'm lonely.*

*Hello?* You double text after getting no reply

*Be home in 10...aye you better not be watching our show.* He reply's a few minutes later

*Get home and find out.*

Oscar doesn't reply after that so you occupy your time by cleaning up the small mess you made in the kitchen a while ago after you had decided to bake. As you're throwing away the now empty bag of flour you hear your boyfriends car pull up. The sound of the doors slamming shut followed by raised voices grab your attention, causing you to look out the window.

"Hey! Take it easy!" Oscar yells to Monse

"Don't tell me how to take it!" She fires back

"Go home. You're drunk."

"You just want me to go home so I don't say the things that I have to say. But I have things to say and I'm not going home until I say them. So do you ever think about Cesar and how you're ruining his life? You got screwed and now you're screwing him up. 'Cause I got to follow the rules of the streets. Look at me and my muscles. I got a dumb teardrop tattoo, but I don't cry cause I'm a big man. Toxic masculinity! Look it up!" Monse lectures, you couldn't help but smirk as you take notice of Oscar trying not to laugh. However if she continued to talk down on your man you would definitely be stepping outside to come to his defense, even though he could defend himself with no problem. Just in case you open the widow a bit more so you could hear better.

"You done?"

"You know what? Everything bad that has happened is because of you. You jumped Cesar into a gang, you tasked him to kill Latrelle, and now because of that, because of you, Olivia is dead, and Ruby will never be the same. You masterminded taking down the Prophets, and we got kidnapped. Now we have to find someone who is impossible to find, and if we don't...I don't know what's going to happen, but whatever it is, it'll be because of you!" Monse rants, getting cut short as she checks her phone that has been going off,"It's my mom."

"Lady in Brentwood? Cesar told me how it all went down. Pretty messed up." Oscar says seriously, staying calm after the teenagers little meltdown.

"Yeah. Yeah it was. And you know, even after all of that I still reached out. I sent her a letter, but she never wrote me back. Now she's calling, I don't get it." She cries, causing you to feel sympathetic for the girl.

"I know why. It's for her, not for you. She just wants to clear her conscience. She disappears, comes back, and just expects you to welcome her with open arms? Now she wants to be a parent? Seems like a hell of a lot easier when you don't actually have to raise a child. Screw that. If I were you...I wouldn't call that bitch back. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction." Oscar tells her solemnly, his face saddening which causes you to grow sadder as well.

"You're right. She doesn't deserve it." Monse agrees before messing with her phone,"She's dead to me."

You glance away momentarily as you take in the scene in front of you, not knowing if it was okay to be spying as she spills her emotions out. They stare at each other for a moments before Monse begins to sob. Oscar awkwardly and unsurely pulling her into a hug. As soon as Monse picks her head up and looks into your boyfriends eyes, you know what she's going to do. You can't look away now as their lips press together for not even a second before Oscar takes a step back in shock.

"Hey this never happened." Is the last thing you hear him say before you walk away and sit down on the couch. Not sure how you felt in this exact moment. You weren't necessarily angry because Oscar did step away and you didn't want to be angry at Monse after hearing what she had to say. Plus the fact that she was drunk off of her ass. I guess you'd wait to see it Oscar would actually tell you about the little moment between the two of them before you decide what emotion you were going to go with.

"Nena?" Oscar calls out when he steps inside

"In here!" You call out after clearing your throat

"I know you seen all that. I could feel your eyes burning on the back of my head." He says after joining you in the living room, walking over and kneeling down in front of you,"You know I didn't encourage that. It was out of no where."

"I know." You smile sadly as you reach out to gently play with the cross that dangled from his chain," It's still not something I want to see though. I don't think any girl would want to see her man kissing another girl....if I didn't see it though...would you have told me?"

"Of course I would. I tell you everything, don't I? Besides it didn't mean shit, she's just drunk and in her feelings. She probably would have kissed Jasmine if she was right there."

"Yeah." You chuckle lightly,"It was just weird to see...cause if it was any other girl I would have been in jail already."

"Aye if it was any other girl I wouldn't even be looking in their direction. I only got love for one hyna."

"Oh yeah? Who's that?"

"Hmm she's sitting right in front of me." He smirks as he leans forward to try to kiss you.

"Ah ah." You say as you fall back against the cushions so he couldn't reach you,"You've have enough kisses for tonight. Go clean your mouth." You tell him with a laugh, not to found of kissing him right after Monse touched his lips.

"Mami." Oscar groans as he lets his head fall on your lap.

"Sorry, give me a little time. It keeps replaying in my mind." You admit as you cradle his head and lightly scratch the back of it. The two of you stay like that for a few minutes before Oscar begins to squirm, his head nudging your belly before biting down on your thigh,"Excuse you." You yelp as you look down at him,"What are you doing?"

"You didn't say anything about kissing you down here." He says, glancing up at you before his fingers hook into your shorts. You're about to object, until Oscar's pushing your legs apart and pulling you toward the edge of the cushion.

"You're right, I didn't." You moan as you relax, your hands going back to his head as he works on bringing you pleasure. This sort of 'kissing' was one hundred percent okay with you. As long as Monse never did it again, everything would be good in the Diaz household because you already knew the two brothers were going to have a talk about this. Luckily Cesar was a understanding boy and you knew he wouldn't think to much into it, much like you didn't. You're suddenly pulled from your thoughts as Oscar stops his actions.

"I'm down here you know. Am I doing something wrong? You're checked out." Oscar says confusingly since you were usually much more appreciative while he pleased you.

"What? No, I'm fine. Shut up." You breathe heavily as you push his head back down,"Keep going." You softly demand, letting your eyes shut as Oscar works his tongue on you. This time making sure to let him hear just how good he was making you feel. Which wasn't hard to do, especially when you knew you're the only girl that's ever going to get this treatment from him.

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