Smoke Session

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Basically brattitude but with weed

  You were seated across from Oscar at the kitchen table, watching as he expertly rolled the blunt. You don't know why but something about the way he did it made you feel a certain way. You rest your chin on your hand, your head tilting slighting as you lick your bottom lip.

"You okay?" Oscar chuckles as he glances up at you for a quick second.

"Mhm." You hum as you slightly lean forward.

"What? You want me to lick you next ma?" He teases as he packs the end. His words causing your stomach to tighten up.

"I wouldn't say no." You smile as you slowly stand up and go stand in between his legs,"Are you done?"

"With this?" He asks as he holds up the blunt, his other hand coming up to rest on your lower back,"I am."

"Thanks." You smile before taking it from him and walking out the front door, lighting it up as you go.

"Hell nah." Oscar laughs as he comes up behind you and reaches around to snag the 'drug' back,"I rolled this shit, not you."

"You should want me to go first, I'm your girl." You joke as you blow out the smoke from the only hit you got.

"Not when it comes to my first love." He teases as the two of you sit down on the porch steps together, Oscar keeping the mood light and not letting you respond as he begins to spit a verse from a song about weed,"You been my gal since the age of 13. And Its funny to me, you still make me fiend.
You put a spell on me with the green voodoo
You love when my boys come and run us a choo choo
Mary-Jane deep in the game
The way I feel words can't explain
You been true to me, stood by my side
I Wake up and get my mornings first high
Other hoes wonder why they get no love
Cause Mary got a big ol' but....See ma, weeds been with me way before you."

"Oh really? That's how you feel?" You giggle before lightly shoving his side and causing him to drop the blunt,"Ha! That's what your ass gets. Aye, you know what they say when you drop the blunt though right?" You ask, Oscar's mouth falling open at your joke.

"Word?" He asks as he picks it up,"Keep fucking playing with me. I'll knock your head off your mother fucking shoulders girl." He threatens with a smirk before taking another drag and holding it out for you.

"So you can joke, but I can't?" You smile as you take it from his fingers before sitting down on the lower step and moving between his thighs to lean back against him,"Hypocrisy at it's finest papi."

"I'm talking about a plant, you joking about one of my homies fucking you. How is that the same?" He asks as he stares down at you with a raised eyebrow, rolling his eyes as you blow the smoke into his face.

You stare up at him innocently debating on if you should push him a little bit more or drop the issue, of course with your attitude it was the first option,"Cause you actually love weed, I'm just fucking to feel good. At least my actions are no strings attached."

"You acting like you really fucking one of my brothers." He says, his voice dropping dangerously low as he reaches his hand around to grab your throat,"You're mine, you belong to me. So ima say this one more time. Quit. Fucking. Playing. With. Me."

You smile grows wider as he forcibly cranes your neck further, sticking out your tongue in a teasing manner before Oscar brings his lips down to yours,"Who do you belong to?" He mumbles into your mouth.

"You." You whisper breathlessly, Oscar finally releasing you and letting you take in one more drag before stealing the blunt back.

"That's what I thought." He retorts as you turn to sit sideways so you two could actually look at each other.

"That's what I thought." You mimic dramatically,"Okay I'm done now. Sorry." You laugh as you take in his expression. He doesn't reply as he leans forward on his knees, the two of you passing the blunt back and forth until you feel his eyes burning a hole into the side of your face as you hold the roach in between your fingers,"Who's staring now?"

"Can't help it." He says with a bite of his lip,"I'm just thinking of all the ways ima fuck you after we finish off this smoke session."

"It's finished." You say as you sit up and press your mouth to his after tossing the remains of the blunt, blowing the smoke into his awaiting mouth as he picks you up and carry's you inside. Smoking with Oscar was always the best part of your day.

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