Estonia gets very into Jaanipäev celebrations.
Every year, he does the tradition of lighting a bonfire and then jumping over it. He also sometimes participates in the searching of the fern flower. He's sometimes thought about collecting seven different types of flowers in order to find the love of his life, though he's never actually done it.
(Jaanipäev is St. John's day, occurring on the night of June 23 and 24. It's a one the biggest holidays in Estonia, only second to Christmas. Lighting a bonfire and jumping over it is a Jaanipäev tradition, as is searching for the fern flower, and the seven different types of flowers to find your true love. I found conflicting sources on how many different types of flowers it was--I came across nine and seven. I went with seven. Traditionally, it seemed to be done by women, though a lot of sites used gender-neutral terms, so I'm assuming men do it now, too.)