Indonesia: Susilo Pradita
Malaysia: Daud bin Ahmad
Philippines: Jaime Corpuz Villanueva
*Singapore: Elijah Tan (English), Tan Yun Kai (Chinese) [Western Order: Yun Kai Tan], Elyas bin Ishak (Malaysian)
Thailand: Prasong Ketukaeo
Vietnam: Nguyen Liên (Western Order - Liên Nguyen)
*The reason it took me so long to update this list with the new SE Asian characters was because I was stuck on Singapore's name. With Singapore being such a melting pot, I wasn't sure how to approach his name--there's a large influx of Chinese/Chinese immigrants (and I think Tan is the most common surname in Singapore), so they should be represented, but that wasn't always the case in Singapore's history. Forget what I wrote before. I decided to just give him three names, so he has names for different time periods. In modern times, he'd probably use an English name (as many Singaporeans do).