chapter one : TV is a Liar

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You are y/n, you like video games, sunny D and did I mention killing.

   You clicked on the TV. The news was about to come on. You rubbed your hands together excited to see what topic they were going to talk about.
    "Today is April 25 and there is a new killer on the loose. They said it is a chick, I can't see that being true. " The reporter chuckled. "It is just a copycat of the FAMOUS Jeff the killer. Like really get your own thing stupid Kitten." You clenched your jaw and çrouched in front of the tiny box. You took out a small butterfly knife and cut off a string from your black skinny jeans. You sighed. And turned the TV off.
     "I have to fix this." You mumbled. You got up from your spot and thudded towards the door. You left your shoes and begin to walk to the staircase up the side of the building. "I really have to fix this" you mumbled once more. The cold metal under your bare feet was the reminder that you were doing this. Adrenaline pumped slowly, giving you a small Sweet taste.
      Slowy you go to the top of the building. You go to the edge -rubbed your bare arms- and look down on the town. The town looked like a dozen of stars, it looked so alive. You step back and take a deep breath. Your lunged yourself towards the edge and leaped off. Now you were plummetting to the ground at a fast but slow pace. And then...nothing.


    You snapped your eyes open and saw that it was 5:30 am. You where covered with cold sweat and your heart was pounding out of your chest. The worst thing of all was your neck hurt like literal hell. You crack your neck. Sunlight shines under the door like a ghoul's grin, yet gives the white shutters a halo of golden rays. That's the new morning, sinner and saint, just like you. Waking is a hammer swung with gusto, a painted "x" on your skull. Sleep drags you backward until a new thought can penetrate - you have the chance to achieve more than yesterday if you move  now. The bed is warm, the draughts are cold, yet your  feet swing outward into the chill...

You stumble/walk to the bathroom and you look at yourself in the mirror. There was no sign that you jumped from a ten story building last night. You frowned. The only thing that looked bad was your very messy h/c hair, and your highly ripped clothing, even your e/c orbs looked duller than usual.
  The muffled sound of a phone ringing bought your attention. You jogged out of the room and into your bedroom. ignoring the stabbing pain in your hip. You walked over to your nightstand next to your bed and found your phone. Hikaru said the caller.
  "Hey y/n!" He called before you said anything. " Happy April 24th!". You grinned into the phone. It worked.
   "Yeah happy April 24!" You replied fruity. (Is that a description of someone's voice?) You walked back into the bathroom. And brushed you (hair length) hair. "What do I have to do today at school?" You inquired. It was lucky that you were friends with Hikaru. This is because he knew EVERYTHING that is going to happen or did.
  "Well normal day only until-" he started.
  "Until we have the extended lunch period right?" You interrupted. Hikaru stayed quiet. He sighed in disapproval after a few minutes.
    "You did the thing didn't you? You know your not supposed to do that often." He scolded you. You scoffed.
     "Thanks dad. I had to I need to fix something." You stated in a matter-of-fact voice.
      "Just don't hurt yourself. I have to go to school bye." He warned .
       "Bye." You staid quickly and hung up the phone. Time for a shower.

    Warms droplets of water sprayed lightly on your b/t (body type) body. The droplets became streams of water as you got fully under the water. Your body relaxed and each muscle that was tense slowly became more and more relaxed. You sighed lazily and picked up the shampoo bottle. Massaging the shampoo in your hair. A yawn came from your mouth and you opened wide.

    The cold air of the room brought you out of your tired state. Stepping into your undergarments and clasping your bra you looked for your clothes. You made a small oh as you found them on the shelf. 
    The Rhythmic sound of water dripping on the bathroom floor, and the nice steamy air made you not want to leave. But you had to. You pulled your shirt over your head and went over to the body mirror. Dang your looking hot~ you thought. You were wearing a skeleton shirt that had the skulls of fire, your black sweatshirt was tied around your waist, and your black skinny jeans clung to your hips making you look a little older than you normally look. I mean hikaru is always saying how young I look! So why not be a bad girl for a while? You sighed again and got your "Spicy" perfume. You squirted your shoulders and took one last look in the mirror. My teachers won't be happy. You smirked.
      You walked out of the bathroom shivering at the wave of cold air washing over you. You walked down hallway into your highly clean kitchen. Hikaru came over and helped you clean THAT mess. You found your favorite shoes next to the door and slipped them on. You grabbed your creepypasta bookbag and walked out the door.

       The halls were crowded with people, and the chaos was so perfect, like a movie. There was the couple that was always making out on the left side of the hall, and about ten feet farther down, the cliquey girls. Opposite them, the cliquey jocks, and between them, the parade of band geeks with their huge instrument cases. There were the aerospace tech kids who never did anything but make paper airplanes and the fashion kids that wheeled mannequins and clothing racks down the halls. And then there was you, not that you would fit into any of those groups. you were the loner of the school. everyone knew that. Yet people still asked if you wanted to hang. that was only so they could steal your notebook for classes. you walked past the Football jocks and into Mr Choi's classroom. you sighed as you let your creepypasta book bag hang over the back of the chair. you sat in the back of the room having a clear look at the scene. The popular girls gossiped and the jocks competed until Mr Choi walked in. as he talked he straightened up his desk. there wasn't much, just a phone, a computer and a few pens and pencils that laid on top the stacks of paper.  
        You took out some paper and pencils from your own bag and planed your attack. I have to make something that is unique, something that has never been done.... Maybe I cut off someone's tongue? No that is too original. Make a face out of eyes, fingers, and a tongue? YES! you smirked and was excited for the lunch period to come.

      Lunch couldn't come faster, you sprinted down the halls and into the cafeteria. Hikàru waved you over to his table.
       "I'm going out for a bit, can I have you keys?. See you then." You said quickly and ran off with Hikaru's keys. You told the teachers that asked, that you were going to McDonald's for lunch. You got into Hikaru's Pagani Huaryra and drove off to the reporter's house. When you got there you couldn't control you excitement. The reporter's car was in the driveway, so you assumed he was home. You walked into his house and closed the door quietly behind you. You tuned around and almost jumped out of your skin a man in a white hoodie was frozen before you. Your noses was almost touching. He looked pretty normal, besides the factor he had a smile carved into his face, you were the first one the react to the situation. You dashed for the stairs, your butterfly knife jingling I. Your pocket. You ran into the nearest room and locked the door behind you. You turned around and jumped for the second time. The reporter was looking at you like he was seeing Satan and santa Claus making out. You took out your life and lunged. The reporter was too slow. You got into his back and jabbed you knife into his arm. He screamed and you shoved your hand over his mouth. You put him in a head lock after you took your knife out of his bicep. You made him open his mouth and with one quick slice you cut out his tongue. You then laughed as you watch him choke own blood. You cut out his eyes and then cut off some of his fingers. You set the peices in place on the floor. You smiled as your work was done. You almost forgotten about the man downstairs. Almost. The man bursted trough the door and lunged forward at you. You kicked him in the face braking his nose. You then knew him in the stomach and he fell. You got the fuck out of there. You were wearing black so the blood didn't show up that much. You ran out of the house and into Hikaru's Pagani Huaryra and drove off.

I'm not a fucking copycat. Tv is a Liar!

Thank you for reading! I hoped you enjoyed the story. I update as soon as possible :)


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