chapter five: give me one fucking minute

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(A/n I made that drawing UwU)

  EJ stormed over to you. Even though he had a mask on you could tell he was pissed off.
   "We're going Y/n" he growled. He attempted to grab your wrist but you jumped out of the way. you scrambled behind Ben.
  "I'm not your toy!" You screamed at him. Bad choice. He ran over to you and you pushed Ben towards him and dashed out the door. Eh wasn't far behind you. You ran down the hall and took a sharp turn left. You took a right and went down the stairs.
   "When I get my hands on you I will make you mine." He growled at you.  You jumped the rest of the way down the stairs, and sprinted towards the big wooden door that let you go to the living room. You hit the door with a thud and ran trough the room. Masky and two other men who was standing with instantly got into a Battle stance and looked at you like you were a turtle that could run a hundred and three miles per hour. You waved at them and just at that moment EJ slammed open the living room door and shouted.
   "Catch Her!" He lunged towards you which you dodged and kicked him in the stomach. Masky came up behind you and grabbed you by the shoulders which you donkey kicked him in the balls making him roll on the ground in pain. The other two men just stood there and was like wow who is this and should we help.
     "See ya later suckers." You boasted and ran to the front door. You open the door swiftly and looked  outside. You quickly came back into the house when you saw a very pale creature stalking towards you. He had bloody 3 feet long claws and his eyes were sunken in his face. He had very few hairs on his head and was crouched like a tiger stalking its prey. You yelped and closed the door.
     "Got you!" EJ panted and swung you over his shoulder. he stomped his way back through the house and walked with you on his shoulder. When you two got to his room he threw you inside on the couch and lock the door behind him. Your heart was pounding out of your chest. Your breathing was like a rabbit that drunk three energy drinks. You got up from the couch but froze when you saw EJ. He pointed back to the couch, and with a huff you  sat back down.
    "EJ why cant I hangout with Be-" you started.
    "Shut up!" EJ yelled. Your eyes widened with shock. EJ scoffed and walked over to you. He pressed your back to the couch and whisper-shouted:
   "Give me one fucking minute." You looked up at him and raised a brow.
   "To do what.?" You probed him. Your voice was steady, somehow you knew what he was talking about. Your face heated up.
  "Give me one minute" he mumbled once again. "I won't hurt you." You didn't know what to do so you just nodded weakly. EJ walked over to his desk and pulled out a bandana.
   "Make sure you can't see." EJ handed you the blindfold. You did ask anything about it. You put the blindfold and instally all your other senses got better. The couch creaked next to you. Your legs were pulled sideways and now you were facing the left. You gulped. A few moments of shuffling and then you felt him on top of you. You couldn't help but to squirm underneath him.
    "Stay still" EJ breathed into your ear. Then you felt it. He pressed his lips onto yours. You froze But slowly melted into his kiss, wrapping your arms lightly around his neck. He tensed but relaxed Soon after.  The warms pressure of his lips left yours. You frowned. Lust was building up in your stomach and it wasn't going to be let down.  EJ lifted up your chin and started small kisses down your jawline. Down your neck and then nothing. Your sweatshirt was in the way. EJ growled and went back up to your jawline. He bit down. A sharp inhale left your lips as you felt blood drizzle down your neck. EJ let go of you and licked it up. He leaned over to your ear and whisper huskily:
     "Good luck getting rid of that" and then he got off of you. He made a shuffling sound and then he pulled your blindfold off. You glared into his blue mask with a irritated as fuck expression on your face. He chuckled.
    "Get up. We're going out." He ordered. You sat on the couch like a potato.
   "Where are we going?" You asked. "what about that monster thing that is a guarding outside?"
   "Well I'm a gentleman and won't fuck you until we get to know each other better and for the Rake I have to ask Slender to go.", He replied in a matter of fact tone. Your face turned red at how bluntly he spoke.
    "I'll be back” he said as he unlocked the door and walked out. You on the other hand was dying just buy the little touch gave you. You felt really turned on and tried to relieve it by rubbing your thighs together. Which didn't help at all.
    You felt something dripple  down your neck and reached up to wipe it. Your fingers car back to your face bloodied. You sighed and went into the bathroom.
   You let all irritated side as the bite mark was way worse than you expected it to be. you touched your neck lightly and search through the cabinet of medicines first aid kits and bandages, you finally found a bandage that fit your neck well and put it on after you washed the wound. You grumbled about hating bandages because  they felt so weird. You fixed up your hair and straightened your clothing. With one more look in the mirror you walked out of the bathroom. EJ was waiting patiently at the door.
    "Does your neck hurt?" He asked. He reached over and touched the banged wound softly. You shook your head.
    "I'm fine" you reassured him. He looked into your eyes and whispered:
     "We have to sneak out because Ben would want to supervise us. Slender said that if we don't make going out a big deal then we can go."

   So there you two were trying to sneak out of the house. EJ was always the first one to go and waved you over when the coast was clear. He told to avoid certain floorbords. Clearly he has snuck out before. You followed him down the hallway and he poked out his head to look left. You glanced behind you guys and then quickly followed him through the hallway.
  "What happens if we get caught?" You whispered. EJ looked down the hall before replying.
  "We make a excuse? I have never been caught in the act of sneaking out." He motioned me to go step over the floorbored that I was about to step on. You almost fell down by tripping on your own feet. EJ caught you and put you upright.
"Clearly you don't sneak out much" he scoffed quietly. You nodded. You guys were about to move when.

    "We're are you guys going?"

A/n will they go n a date? Also should I make a lemon/smut or nah. I'm not really good with romantic stuff. Anyways thanks for reading 🖤

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