chapter ten

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 You held your mouth and wished he would go away. The door was kicked, and then the door knob rattled. 

  “Let me in Y/n” EJ ordered you. You didn't want to make him mad so you got up from your spot and unlocked the door. EJ rushed in and pulled you into a hug. 
   “I do not know what happened but I am here for you.” he whispered. Which only made you cry more. Your body shook with violent shivers EJ petted your hair and tried his best to comfort you. You quieted down after a few minutes. You guys just stood there together, absorbing each other's warmth. 
. “Wanna talk about it?” EJ asked as soft as a kitten. You looked up at him and half effortly shrugged your shoulders. EJ brought you over to the couch and sat across from you, and waited patiently. You took a deep breath. 
   “So my dad was a bad man and he Abused As a child and now I feel like the dumbest person on earth for not remembering it.” you said without taking a breath.(I didn't want to write it all squished up) EJ looked at you stunned.

“All I got was My dad was a bad man and abused as a child.” he said. “How do you speak so fast?” you giggled slightly. Just then a knock was at the door. EJ reached behind the couch and grabbed his mask, he put it on before the door swung open. Ben, Jeff, and A person you have not  been introduced to yet, stood in the doorway. 

“We are go-” Jeff started. 

“We are going out shopping and wondered if you would like to come, because you know -your female” Ben finished for him with a shrug. You looked over at EJ, got on your knees and begged. 

“Please! Please can i go?” Ben joined in and waved the other two over. Just then Masky walked by and saw four people white children begging EJ to go somewhere. He stopped and stared, then shrugged and moved on. EJ held his head a little higher and said like he was royalty.

“You may go, peasant.” and waved you guys away.  You cheered and grabbed Ben by the wrist. 

“The queen had spoken, we shall go!” you declared loudly. You dragged Ben -who dragged Jeff who dragged the guy you didn't know- outdoors. Ben stopped and you jerked backwards, falling into Ben and you four fell like dominos on crack. You laughed until your ribs hurt. When you stopped laughing Jeff, Ben, and that one person was looking quite human. You took Ben's hand and got up. 

It would be dumb it the author wrote that you didn't totally fangirl when you walked into the mall. You ran into the first store you saw and saw the store you dashed into like an idiot was an electronic store. You looked at the new OnePlus 7 Pro. Ben walked next to you and grabbed the phone. 

“We want this phone!” he shouted lazily. A man in a mall vest came over. 

“That will be $669 sir” he held out his hand. Ben handed him the money in cash. The man hurriedly got the phone and handed it to Ben. Who handed it to you. He winked at you and left the store. You left the store too and saw a bookstore, you walked into it and Ben groaned behind you. You spun around. 

“Let me have EJ’s number and i'll leave this store.” you said. Ben raised an eyebrow and fished his phone out of his pocket. He showed the phone to you and you quickly set up your phone and put EJ in your contacts. 

You walked out of the store with two bags in your hand. One was full of new clothes while the other was headphones and other electronics. The rest of the guys were holding one up to four bags in their hands. And they said I was a female. You rolled your eyes. And got in the car. It wasn't a cool car like the pagani Hikaru had but-

“Hikaru” you mumbled. Ben looked at you weirdly. 

“Whose Hikaru?’ he raised an eyebrow and squinted his eyes playfully. 

“A really important person, why are you jealous?” 

“No. I just know who will be.” you shut up after that. You looked out the window and almost let out a scream. A bloody hand smacked onto the window. Ben pulled open the door and Jeff was looking like a crazy killer. Wait he is one. 

“Drive!” Ben shouted. 

When you got back to the house EJ was waiting outside like a dog. You walked up to him and patted him on the head. 

Who's a good boy?” You said as if you were talking to a dog. He growled. Like a dog. You laughed and walked into the mansion with him. You walked all the way to the bedroom talking about the mall and when Jeff scared the living crap out of you. You set the bags on the floor and show him the new phone Ben got you. He seemed out of it though. 

“You good?” You placed a hand on his shoulder. He shook his head. 

“Even though Slender is fine with you staying, you still have to do hellgate.” he mumbled. 

“I'll be fine” you reassured him. Nodded but still zoned out a little. 

“You know that story you've been reading?” you attempted to change the subject. He perked up. 

“Yeah? You want to know about it?” he asked eagerly. You nodded. He walked over to the desk and pulled open the drawer. “The story is called THE DEAD by JAMES JOYCE. (this is a real story all rights go to james) i'm going to read you the first paragraph. LILY, the caretaker's daughter, was literally running off her feet. Hardly had she brought one gentleman into the little pantry behind the office on the ground floor and helped him off with his overcoat then the wheezy hall-door bell clanged again and she had to scamper along the bare hallway to let in another guest. It was good for her because she did not have to attend to the ladies either. But Miss Kate and Miss Julia had thought of that and had converted the bathroom upstairs into a ladies' dressing-room. Miss Kate and Miss Julia were there, gossiping and laughing and fussing, walking after each other to the head of the stairs, peering down over the banisters and calling down to Lily to ask her who had come.” you looked at EJ shocked. 

“You should read to me more often. It sounds soothing.” EJ looked away. “Also, can you now tell me why you're worried about hellgate?” 

      “I'm worried because you're going against the Rake.” EJ spat out. Your mouth dropped remembering the 3ft claws it had and those dark sunken eyes. 


“And your Hellgate is in two days.”

“Double crap”

Woooo three chapters done today! (✿ ♡‿♡)


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