chapter 11: night before HELLGATE

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   You knew your going to die tomorrow. Slender already talked to you about the hellgate rules  a couple of hours ago. He is going to disable your power of not being able to die. Great. And to top it all off you were going against the Rake. You shivered at the thought of it. It's three inches bloodied claws, and it's sunken dark eyes that stared into you like a rat. The worst thing of all was it's skin. It looked dead, and there was wrinkles all over it, despite the oldness to the skin it was as hairless as a baby.
   EJ walked into the room with two cups of coffee. By now the sun was setting but you had no plans to go to sleep. You took a sip of the coffee and made a relaxed mmm sound. EJ made everything better. You sat with your legs around the back of the chair. You played with the chairs back as you stuttered slightly.
    "H-how did you know about the Rake?" You asked. "Won't slender be mad?"
     "He was the one that told me to tell you."
     "Bu- "
      "Go get in the shower have a nice relaxing time in there and then we will talk." EJ interrupted you. You got up slowly from the chair, but instead of going to the bathroom you walked over to EJ. You got on to his lap and whispered quietly.
      "Why don't you just join me then~" you purred. EJ gulped. You lifted up his chin a little and -let him go. He looked back over you eagerly.
       "I have an idea.", You said suddenly. "You want pleasure right? So all you have to do is listen to me. I won't do anything to bad with you I promise."  EJ scoffed at you.
      "If the guys found out that I was submissive -even just once- my ass would be dead." He sneered.  You stalked towards him. He didn't notice that you had handcuffs behind your back. But he did notice your devilish smirk, and your hella lust filled eyes.
    "Just once please."you begged. You have him a pout. And then you made your eyes slightly larger. Making the perfect puppy face. He groaned and walked over to the bed, and took his sweatshirt and shirt off.
   "Fine just don't handcuffs m-"
  "To late" you murmured as you cuffed to the bed. You grabbed the blindfold that was on the floor and held it up.
    " Can you see through these?". EJ shook his head no. You walked back over to him , never taking him out of your predatory sight. You wrapped the blindfold around his face and looked down at your work. You licked your lips and wondered what to do first.

You looked down at his pants and saw that he was painfully running out of room. You unzipped the pants, even that made EJ hiss a little.
   "You Ave to stay quiet okay? We wouldn't want your friends to know." You murmured. You pulled down his pants slowly. While doing this you traced his abs with your fingers, he squirmed under your touch. Wanting more than that.
     After being as slow as possible you decided to quicken the pace a little. You climbed on EJ -with his boxers still on-  and grinded hard on his clothed member. EJ slightly jerked with the sudden action, the handcuffs jingling as he tried to take control of the situation. You smirked. You had a serial killer whining under your touch, how precious. You grinned on him a few more times before getting bored of that. You got off of EJ and removed his boxers. His member sprung out and you not with a minute to spare started to lick the tip of it. At first it was just tiny kitten flicks of your toungue, but soon you started to deep throat. EJ attempted to buck his hips -and he did succeed once making you gag slightly. To avoid him from choking you again you pushed down his hips with your hand. To say that he was being a man and not moaning at all would be a huge fat lie. In fact you had to quiet him a few times.
    A couple minutes before EJ would've cumed you popped off of him. A whine escaped his throat. You shushed him and started to take off your skinny jeans and panties. You got back on top of him and rested your entrance at his tip. He bucked his hips upwards trying to get you on him but failed. He let out a sigh right when you decided to take his full length. The slapping of your guys skin echoed quietly trough the room, as you repeated this over and over. EJ on the other hand was trying to match your pace was was a little hard to do so without having his hands to balance him. He bit his bottom lip and then sucked on it. You slowed a little and have him a passionate kiss on the lips. Not stopping fully you kissed EJ hella fine collar bone, and a quiet mewl escaped his lips. You smirked. You bit into he collarbone drawing a little blood, this he moaned at. Which was pretty damn loud. You got off of him once more and went back to giving him a blow job of his life.
   When he finally cumed, you put back on your panties but changed into one of EJ oversizes tees. You uncuffed EJ whom rubbed his wrist that bled a little bit. He took off the blind fold and put his boxers back on.
    "I bet someone herd us." You said.
    "They cant" EJ said. "This room is sounds proof. "
      "But you said-" EJ cut you off.
     " I really didn't want to be submissive." EJ amittied to you. You laid next to him on the bed while he leaned back.
     "We will take turns?" You suggested. EJ laughed a little.
     "As long as next time I get you under me without cuffs."

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