chapter two: the man outside the window.

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    You clenched the Pagani Huaryra's wheel and a wicked smile only an would have killer could have crossed your face. You killed him. You fucking liked him! Your laughter filled the Pagani Hurayra. Lunch wasn't over until 12:30 today. It was only 11:00. Lunch is overextended because of a teacher meeting you thought. I could get one more kill in. You shook your head. No (y/n)! I have to wait. You looked into the review mirror and almost stomped on the brakes. a faceless man stared back at you. You whipped your head around and saw nothing. You checked the mirror again your heart pounding. Also nothing. What is wrong with me? You kept your eyes on the road and tried to avoid the review mirror. You got uneasy really quickly. You jumped for the third time today. Your phone rang and sliced through the quiet air. Unknown caller. You picked up.
    "Hello?" You said. Nothing p. Just sharp breathing, then ringing. Not the phone itself but the ringing when you put a mic next to a speaker. You clenched your jaw.  When you were about to hang up you wished you didn't answer.
    "I see you y/n~ let's be friends. Shall we?" The voice was smooth, like the YouTuber The Click. "Don't hang up or I'll kill Hikaru." He isn't joking. You realized. You drove to the side of the road and listened. The man on the other end laughed.
    "Good girl. Now you're going to go home and unlock all of the doors before sleeping, and you're going to leave your bedroom window open. Okay?" He cooed. You nodded. "Good. I'll see you then. Oh, don't forget to leave that knife on the kitchen counter." Then he hung up. You dropped your hand down loosely to your side. What the fuck is happening? Was the elephant in the room. You wiped a stray tear from your eye. I'm sorry Hikaru I didn't mean to get you caught up in this. Hikaru flashed through your mind. His chirpy voice and wonderful blonde hair. The freckles that alined his face making him look 14. Why him? You pulled out of the ditch and made your way home. I guess I'll skip school today.

    You huddled in the corner of your room, holding a bottle of pills in your hand. I won't be killed by them, I will kill myself. You did have the factor of coming back the day before you died. But you didn't care. You got up shaking. And walked over to the window.
    The sky was dull. Clouds choking out any moonlight. The cold crisp air would  have been relaxing but you know, rape and death can ruin that. But you won't die. A voice said. You looked around the room noting. It sounded like it was right in your ear. You looked out the window and gasped. A faceless man faced you. you would have screamed but the thing held a spider like finger to his- to the place his lips would have been. And then you blacked out, or you think you did. The man was gone but you were still staring empty at the window.
    But you had to face the facts. You lived on the third floor of the building. Nobody was THAT tall. you turned around and the time you hand a hand held to your mouth. This time you saw the same man that was in the reporter's house. The only thing that was different was when he spoke.
    "You took my kill girly" he cooed. This time his voice was gruff not smooth. You frowned against his hand. He took notice. "What?" He sneered. I pointed to the hand on my mouth. He let go.
     "Who was speaking with me on the phone?" You probed him. He rubbed the back of his neck and glared at you.
      "His voice was much more hotter than yours." You said bluntly. Great now you pissed him off. You snickered. He grabbed you by the wrist and held you close to him. He raised your chin with his index finger.  Now your faces were centimeters apart.
       "I could do something that would be hotter than a voice~", he purred.
        "And I still get your friend would be better." You shot back. You stood up on your tip toes and sealed the distance between you two. The man looked taken back. You wrapped your arms around his back and- SLAMED THAT FUCKER ON THE GROUND! He yelped and tried to get back up. You were to quick. You got him in a head lock between you thighs and cut off some of his air stream.
           "B-bitch" stuttered the man between gasps of air.
           "I just play rough honey~" you cooed in a mocking tone. Clapping cought your attention. You whipped your head over to see a teenager make that looked like link. Fuck he was hella short too.the make came over to you and looked down at you.
            " Would ya kiss me too" this voice was childish not smooth. Damn. You frowned for the second time. In frustration you clenched your thighs harder. Poor man was almost passing out from lack of air. You let him go and stood up.
            Poor choice. A still pissed off smiley faces man tackled you and got on top. You kicked him with your left leg knocking him right under his jaw.  He didn't faze. He grabbed your neck and squeezed. You coughed and started to do a laugh with no sound. Not like you could. The man squeezed even tighter, making it feel like you were getting your neck broken into hundreds of tiny pieces.  The corner of your vision turned black, and then you felt the world swirl beneath you. Your eyes fluttered shut.

            You snapped your eyes opened. Your body was covered with cold sweat. Did I die? You wonder. You realized that you didn't when you were strapped down to a table, only in undergarments. You squirmed around trying to find a loose spot. You let out a frustrated sigh as you failed to get loose. The second thing you noticed was that your body was COVERED with hickeys and bite marks. You closed your eyes. Your hip hurt like hell too. This is a wonderful Friday night. At least you think it is Friday night. Shuffling came from the corner of the room. A man with a blue mask came into the light. He was wearing a grey sweater with black ripped skinny jeans.  His mask was also dripping some ooze. He had some fluffy looking brown hair poking out from his hood. You attempted to scoot away from him. He clicked his tongue.
           "Look what they did you...." It was THE voice. His voice was smooth and as sweet as honey, but he did have a rather dark tone to it. "If Slender didn't tell them to leave they would've had done much more than bites." He chuckled. He scanned your body. You suddenly felt shy. For once in your life you didn't have a sweatshirt on. He walked over the the other side of your body. Your gaze was focused on him. Never letting him out of your hardcore stare. He pushed down on your hip. You frowned in agony and tried to move away from him again. He did this for a few more minutes, just wanting to get that reaction out of you.he cleared his throat and loosed the strap around your waist. He took a needle and thread from off of a table next to him. Then surprisedly he mended up your cuts and scratches on your body. He put oitment on your tiny cuts and put something cold on your bruised neck. After he was for he leaned down to your ear and whispered in a husky voice.
            " I helped you, don't be afraid of me anymore. I won't hurt you unless you step out of line."  You nodded at us words and he unbuckled you. "Now you have to do everything I say" once more you nodded. He chuckled.
           "Good. Now get this on. I didn't bring a extra sweatshirt." He striped his sweatshirt off, with out taking off his mask. He handed it to you. "By the way my name is E.J remember that." Then he walked out of the room. You pulled the sweatshirt over your head painfully. Thank God  you were short compared to EJ, the sweatshirt covered your f/c panties. What all did they do to me? You walked out of the room. And almost fell down the stairs. You took notice that the room you where I was the attic, before walking down the stairs.

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