chapter 13

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     EJ stared at your limp -but breathing- body. Why didn't you wake up yet?
   "You should eat something," Slender recommended as he sauntered into the room. EJ shook his head. And scooped your hand, he rubbed the top of it with his thumb.
   "Take my advice EJ. Don't get too close to her." Slender cautioned.
   "And why not?" EJ asked snappily. Slender took a deep breath and rubbed his temple.
  "Just don't." Slender teleported out of the room. Kinda already too late to evacuate now. EJ thought. He wiped a stray hair out from your eyes.
  "You promised me Y/n. You can't abandon me." He caressed your hand and looked away. His shoulders shuddered and he took in trembling breaths. This is him without you. Slender stood right outside the door as he eavesdropped on EJ. He shook his head pitifully and teleported to his office.
  There was a record on his desktop. The record said Y/n deaths and restarts in life. Eight out of nine.
    "Y/n, you're on your life two lives before game over. What do you do?" He muttered into the air.

   Three days later.

   Your eyes torpidly flickered opened. You looked dazedly at EJ who was sleeping next to you. Still holding your hand. You smiled and winced slightly. You rubbed your thump over his head with your free hand. His head slowly looked up at you.  His smile brightened the whole world up. He quickly got up and pulled you in a hug.
   "I was only gone for a couple of minutes" you chuckled.
   " y/n" EJ made you look at him. "You've been out for three days." Your mouth dropped. Really you mouthed to him. He nodded at you and your mouth still hung open.
  "And for some reason, I still want five more minutes of sleep." EJ shook his head hastily.
  "Don't go back I sleep, please," Ej pleaded with you. You giggled and winced and geld tour rib cage. You looked down at your arms and played with the bandaged arms and replied.
  " I won't queen. Your peasant shall stay awake." 
Then there was a knock at the door. Tobias' voice uttered through the door. Making you and EJ jump.
  "Slender has your first assignment, Y/n." And then his footsteps thudded away. You turned to EJ puzzled.
   "Assignment?" You repeated slowly.
   "Our career is exterminating people. They are also understood as assignments or missions." EJ quickly explained to you. You nodded. "So you better get going or slender is hoping to be mad." You hopped down from the bed and rushed out of the door, staggering slightly. You didn't notice EJ getting up and following you out the door.

   You got to Slender's office a little bit after you left the recovery room. Before you knocked, a sharp ring echoed through our head. You groaned slightly.
  "Hey kitten," a static-like voice said. But it wasn't like Slender's voice. it was lower. You veered around and saw a slender look alike but he had a mouth. And a major part of the chest showed under his tailcoat. And to top it all off he had a fedora on the top of his head.
  "Who are-" you started.
   "Brother," Slender growled. The man nodded at him but didn't look away from you. He took your hand and spun you around.
   "My name is offender man." He whispered breathlessly. Slender put a paw on your shoulder and dragged you away from Offender's grip.
    "Y/n you have an assignment at fourth street house 1124. Go now." Slender ordered you. You nodded and went off, that is only when you grabbed your butterfly knife.

   A full moon was in the chilly April night atmosphere. Your senses we're alive as you near the house. There was a glow in the upstairs room, you held your breath for a second. Then that is when the prosperous taste of adrenaline rush. And you desire for more. It was like you were the child and the adrenaline surge was the candy.
   You pulled up your black hoodie and lurked towards the building. And saw that the door was already opened, it hung open like those eerie scenes in horror flicks. You wandered into the house and made sure your footsteps couldn't be herd.
  The room was so dark you had to wait for the kitchen light- wait! You lunged behind the first piece of furniture you saw. Someone roamed through the fridge and came out to watch tv. You played with your butterfly knife in your pocket. And then you lunged. You sliced the person's throat with a swift flick of your wrist. You walked over to the house phone and cut the line. You leaped behind the couch again as the second person came down. She shrieked and ran over to the phone. Which didn't work because of you. She then ran over to the man and her eyes flicked towards you. She froze. You rested a finger up to your mouth and shushed her. She whimpered and ran towards the stairs. You lunged again before she got away. And pulled her on her hair. You then took your already bloody blade to her throat and slashed it.
    Sharp pain unexpectedly went through your side. A knife was implanted in your side. A hand was connected to the knife, which led o the body. You let out a small groan and laughed. The boy (maybe about 17) laughed awkwardly. You were about to roundhouse kick him when he roundhouses kicked you first. You fell to the ground and clutched you're broken rib. The teenager kicked your side again and another sickening crack of two or more bone-breaking echoed through the room. You whined in agony and tried to kick him away. But you were too weak. You weren't a creepypasta yet, so you weren't immortal. so your body still had boundaries on how much wounds you could get. And you attained your limit.
   The teenager raised the knife above his head and was about to give the finishing blow when he unexpectedly fell to the ground. You looked at your savor and frowned. EJ stood before you holding a lamp. You groaned at him.
   "I didn't news your help." You tried to get up. And flinched from all the pain. Now the sweet adrenaline rush wore off, you were able to feel just how much pain you were in. You raised your arms.
    "Now I need help."

     "So does someone want to tell me why EJ was there. I mean, it was a good thing he intervened but that was an assignment for just one person." Slender scolded you and EJ. He turned to look you straight on.
    "And you should have let your body heal more. You can't be this reckless before the change!" You nodded shamefully. Slender calm down a little. He rubbed his temples again.
   "Can I ask you about the change?" You asked lightly. Slender nodded.
   "The change changes you into a creepypasta. It gives you a power a creepypasta character would have. Or if you don't need one because of mental illness then you won't need to change."
    "Then why do I have to change when I have a power already?"
   "The power you have is valuable but, can become an aggravation to have. So this is where I'm supposed to ask you. Can I switch your power?" You looked over at slender not anticipating that at all. You shrugged scarcely.
   "Can I think about it?" You asked hopefully. Slender nodded and sent you on your way. Not until he delivered you one more lesson about staying in recovery for a while.

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