chapter 16

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   EJ ran towards the house faster than ever, he quickly helped you up and he led you out of the mess. You were coughing like crazy though. Now you were back to the present.
   "Are you okay? Y/n?" He asked hurriedly. You nodded at him and coughed one more time.  When you brought your hand back down from your mouth blood was on your sleeve.  You quickly wiped it away making sure EJ didn't notice.
   Slender said something strange and hen you turned around the house was fine. And then a bullet went straight through your head. You fell limply to the ground, blood spewing out of your head. EJ fell to his knees and checked your pulse. Which you had nothing. EJ got up and sharply turned around to look t he shooter. Hoodie was behind the gun. He lazily put the gun down and laughed. EJ lunged at him. Masky and Toby held him back -which they were barely able to do. 
    "You bitch! You kill her! You fucking killed her!" EJ screamed. The scream was full of pain and lost. Like a wolf that just watched it's mate die.
     "Do you see this? She was taking over our lives! We are becoming soft because of her!" Hoodie shot back. "Anyways, I now got my revenge on you. You made my girl die I make yours." That only made EJ twice as pissed. He ripped out of Toby's and masky's grip sending the two the ground. He lunged at hoodie and tackled him to the ground. EJ raised his scaple above his head and-
   "Enough!" Slender shouted. EJ and hoodie froze. "EJ I told you not to get too close to her."
    "You were in on this?!" EJ screeched.
    "This was your punishment for killing Jessica." EJ glared at slender through his mask. He dropped his mask tithe ground and stomped on it, braking it into three pieces. He growled.
    "Slender let me die!" He demanded. "Let Me Fucking Die SLENDER.!" Slender shook his head.
   ",I'm sorry." Sender said. "Take him to the basement until he cools down" then there was ringing in EJ's ears. He groaned as he passed out.

    EJ paced around the basement. A few feet around the room his chains let him.  Slender didn't want to kill EJ. Not yet at least.

The background on Jessica.
Jessica was almost like y/n she was young pretty and smart when it came to killing people. One day she made the mistake of taking EJ's mask off when he was sleeping. EJ had not eaten anything in days. She screamed at him and EJ attacked her. Jessica was also hoodie's girlfriend at the time. Slender also had a affair with Jessica. When they found out that she died they swore on their life that he will suffer the same pain.

    EJ reached for the key but it was just out of reach. He suck out his leg and ended up pushing the table away from him. He slumped down n the wall. And noticed that he had a muzzle on. He growled. And set his head back. His mind instally wandered to you. He banged his head against the wall. He was going to go insane down here.
    EJ didn't remember dozing off, but when he woken up Ben stood in front of him.
    "Look I know we had some trouble in the past but, I don't agree on what they did to y/n. So I'm here to help you. We have to bring slender down. And then if you want I will kill you so you can be with her." Ben rushed quietly. EJ nodded agreeing with the plan.

Sorry that this chapter was short. And that there was a major character death.... Enjoy the rest of the book. I'm almost done with it!

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