chapter seven :rough night

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You groaned as you sat up, and then a few minutes later you remembered EVERYTHING that happened last night. You looked under the blankets seeing that you were in an oversized shirt and panties. You then looked around the room. The fresh morning rays of sunlight steeped under the curtains making the room have an orange tint to it. You couldn't find him where was he? You moved your legs and went to get out of bed. your legs buckled and you were back on the ground. You got up and rolled on your back. And then you did a sit up. 

"Fuck that hurts!" You whine after you go into a sitting position. You heard footsteps running towards the room. EJ walked into the room and looked down at you. With his mask on. Guess he changed back. Not like you cared. 

"Whatever happened it is not my fault." EJ snickered at you. You held out your arms to him. Cocked his head slightly. 

"I can't walk so pick me up!" You demanded him. EJ walked over to you and picked up bridal style. You giggled. 

"I'm a queen!" You wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your nose in his chest. He laughed. 

"This doesn't mean shit okay?" 

   You realized that you have been away from the mansion all night. Was slender mad? What did the others think? Your thoughts got worse and worse through breakfast. You nibbled on the toast EJ had made. For not being able to eat people's food he was a really good cook.

  You shoved another bite into your mouth, and tried to stand up. EJ was gone again and you took notice of that pretty quickly. You jumped up and down as you could finally stand again. You walked over to the door that was outside and opened it, and you jumped back. 

   Ben was standing in the doorway frozen when he saw what you were wearing . 

     "Did you have fun?" He asked while cocking his eyebrows up. You laughed. 

      "Hell yes I did." 

     " You know you're not wearing pants right?"

     "Eh you win some you lose some" you said while shrugging your shoulders. EJ walked in the room and gave him a long stare at Ben. Ben smiled innocently at him. 

     "Don't worry I didn't touch her." He promised. EJ growled.  And walked to the kitchen entrance. He came back a few minutes later with a blacker than my soul coffee. He leaned against the wall and in the best detective voice he said  

   "What are you doing here this morning so early?"  a muffled laugh came from your lips. Ben replied with the best Russian accent ever.

  "Slender wants to start training with her." EJ almost dropped his cup.

  "Slender wants to train her?!" He said, looked over at him curiously.

   "What is the big deal?" You inquired.

   "Only one person was trained by slender and that was Jeff the killer. The first leader. After that I came along and slender was too busy with cleaning up Jeff's messes that he couldn't train me. Anyways now the leaders always train the proxies, slender just doesn't have the time to do it." EJ explained to you.

   "So I should feel special?" You asked. The two men nodded. "Alright let's go then." You started for the door when EJ grabbed the back of your shirt.

   "Kitten you only have an oversized tee shirt and panties on." You snapped your fingers and went upstairs to find clothes. 

  You arrived at the slender mansion not even a few minutes after you left the cabin. Slender was waiting outside for you guys. He walked over to EJ and whispered something in his ear before standing in front of you.

   "I'm going to be training you. We will start in a few minutes." His static like voice explained to you. You nodded. He backed away from you and you did the same.

    "3..2..1 go!" Masky yelled across the field

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