chapter 12: hellgate

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HELLGATE was today. To say you were terrified would be one thing. You were absolutely petrified. slender with a train you anymore so you had to ask Jeff which was a little too over-excited to train you.
Your body got slammed on the ground by Jeff. You groaned in defeat again. Jeff was in a tank top and sweatpants and you were also in a tank top but you had shorts instead of sweatpants. And you were still sweating like a pig.
"Your getting slower" Jeff nagged you. You were barely even able to get back up -let alone give him a smile. You took a deep breath and rested your hands on your knees.
"One more time", you panted. Jeff nodded -smiled crazy- and got into a Battle stance. You on the other hand just stood there panting like a dog. Jeff charged at you and you stepped out of the way and try to roundhouse kick him which he caught and he flipped you on your stomach. The air rushed out of your lungs but you still rolled onto your back. You bended your legs and kicked him in the stomach as hard as you could. He flung for covering his stomach and a human instinct, which gave you time to scramble back up. You elbowed him in the back of his neck sending him to the ground. He got back up quickly and grabbed your arm. You spun around and got out of his grasp. You Dunked under his arms and jumped on his back. You then put him in a chokehold and he clawed at your arms he's spun you and him around trying to knock you off. After knocking off more of his Windstream he tapped your arms three times forfeiting. You got of Jeff and flopped on the ground as you had won this round. You flopped on the ground and let out a huge sigh.
EJ walked into the basement holding two cups of ice water. He handed one to you and Jeff poured his water over his head. Which Didn't seem like a bad idea.

You gulped as you sat in the field waiting for hell gate to come. Pounded harder with every second that ticked by. I thought you were just going to die from waiting and from how scared you were to face that thing. You played with a blade of grass and your mind wandered to what happened if you died.
Then you saw Slender - you inhaled a sharp breath as you looked at thing next to him. His pale wrinkled skin, that was hairless, and It's sunken dark eyes that stared into your soul, was enough to put a shiver down it's spine. It's three inch-long claws already had dried blood on them from it's first meal.
Your brain screamed at you to dash away from it. But you shakily held your ground. The thing must have felt your fear of it because it shook with excitement. Without warning slender raised his arm up and shouted go!
the thing instantly charges that you like you're his next meal which to be truthful you were. You ran towards it and jumped over the thing. Bad choice. The rakes claws sunk into your arm. You gritted your teeth and plunged your foot into his face. The thing doorway from you making your wound ten times worse. Student recovered and charge that you. You step sideways this time and it clawed at the thin air. Then it Dawned on you. It couldn't see well, just went by hearing and smell and that's why he could smell you jumping over him. The creature snapped its body back towards you when you whistled. It's talked over to you like a tiger. It was slower this time then it. you backed out of the way quickly and saw another weakness. Everytime it lunged or turns quickly it hitched.
You smirked having a better plan. You whistled again and this time it rushed towards you. You didn't run or moved an inch. The creature's claws reached out and you backed off and ran so you could slide underneath it. You turned around quickly and grabbed his arm you plunged his arm into his stomach. The thing had black blood you noticed.
The thing let out a mangled cry of pain and grabbed your arm and flipped you onto the ground on your stomach. You heard something brake. You groaned as the air rushed out of you. You rolled onto your back and a the thing hovered over you. You held your arms up blocking your face from its claws. This thing called your arm out your blood pouring out like a waterfall. Your new white tank top turned red. You kept on blocking the thing with one of your arms. You quickly jabbed your other hand into the things wound on its stomach you grabbed the first organ you felt and pulled.
You ended up with ripping out some of the things small intestine. The thing flung itself off of you making you rip out the rest of its intestine. It stood up on his hind legs and wavered slightly. It's blood turn the green black and then it fell where it stood bleeding out on the field.
You smiled at your victory. You set up shakily and got up fully soon after. You're breathing hitched slightly. Your body was covered in blood and bruises. But you still won. You raised up your arms and let out a Battle cry.
You walked over to slender slowly.
"Did I win?" You asked already knowing the answer. Slender nodded.
You smiled and wavered slightly. You then also fell to the ground passing out from all the blood loss.

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