chapter three

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     You walked down the stairs making sure that your sweater stayed below your upper thigh. the bruises  didn't help the factor that you were trying not to look like a rape victim. Your got to the bottom of the stairs when you leg suddenly gave out. You fell down the stairs and landed on something... squishy? You looked down and saw the same elf link looking boy. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit you thought. The elf boy looked up at you and the position you where in cried that you were trying to come into him. He smirked at you. At first you didn't notice that his eyes were different. They were red pupils with black around them. And they were bleeding. Before the elf said anything you poked the blood.
      "Is this real?" You asked and whispered a low "looks sick as fuck!" The elf turned pink and looked away from you and mumbled a thanks. You got off of him and he instally got up and cornered you by the wall. His slender hand was by your head and the other grabbed your hip.
       "Don't tempt me kitten~ I'll fuck you senseless and the next day you'll CRAWL back to me because you can't stand, but you still NEED more." His voice was a hushed murmur. He let go and walked off. You stood there in a dazed look before following him.
        You clenched your jaw as the high pitched ringing car back. This time it sounded like it was on helium times four. Then at the end of the hallway, you saw the thing again. The thing had to crouch slightly to fit in the hallway. You shook your head and rubbed your eyes, and it was still there. Your heart started to pound. And your head felt like a whirlwind and then black.

    When you came to you noticed two things, one your fully dressed in your clothing. Two your in a different room and handcuffed to a chair. The room was dark, a light was shining over you blinding you from seeing into the darkness. You got the uneasy feeling again. But this time it was like a tapeworm was in your stomach eating you inside out. You snapped your head towards a sound. A footstep. And then another.  You could sense someone else in the room but you just couldn't see.
     "You know a coward stays in the shadows" you boasted. The person stepped out holding a hatchet. He was taller that you and was wearing a face mask with orange tinted goggles. He wore a hoodie and regular jeans. He had his hood down, which showed his messy brown hair.
      "Slender t-told me to *tic* watch you. And not to tic let you go. I can do tic whatever I wa-want with you as long as I don't k-kill you." He stuttered. He twitched and cracked a few bones before returning to the shadows. You gulped and wondered where you were. Just now foot steps could be heard from upstairs, so you assumed you were in a basement or right under the attic. You started to whistle, if he kills me then I'll be free, you thought. At first you couldn't really hear it but you soon got the hang of it. You whistled like it was your last, like you were In world war two and a witch was coming to saw your legs off. Soon enough you herd the man let out a grumble. And then he said louder
      "Shut up will ya?!" He ran over to you when you didn't stop. He took out his hatchet as a warning. You stopped.
       "What day is it?" You asked innocently. The young man glared at you.
        "April 27" he said sharply Çrouched in front of you. He pulled up your sweatshirt. You quickly crossed your legs.
         "What are you doi-" then he covered your mouth. Your guy's head snapped towards the right of the room. Someone else was in this room now. I bit the person's hand. Nothing. I bit harder. Still nothing, I bit his hand so hard blood dribbled down my chin. And yet, still no reaction. I let go, and he moved his hand. The other person walked into the light. Or half of him did. It was the faceless tall man. But no ringing this time. You looked over at him curiously.
          "I see you've met Tobias, which is also known as Toby." His voice was like static. Loud annoying static. "You have something I was looking for...." He trailed off. He cocked his head sideways.     
          "And that is?" I asked getting higher with each word.
        "You are able to die but you will just go back to the day before you died. We have been watching you for long. (Y/n). You don't age like other people do, in fact you could pull off a tall sixth grader. So tell me how did you get this?" You looked at him bewildered. You didn't know you didn't age properly.
          "I don't know. I could do this ever since I was young." You replied scanning your memory for answers.
         "How young?"
         "Ever since I was four?" The man didn't reply. He walked jaggedly over to me. And pushed his fingers against my skull.
          "This might hurt" he stated. And then my life was flashing before my eyes. Every memory I had remembered was displayed in front of me like a movie. One in particular caught my eye. I pushed on the memory and I was suddenly in it.

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