chapter nine

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**The chapter is all about the book most which does give you some info about y/n and she does have a flash back. But that is it. Sorry that this is a chapter with mostly facts.**

  Now it was you who sat at EJ's desk as he watched you read the massive book you brought into his room. Just sat there with his mask off -thank God- and just watched all your emotions as you read. You were on the second chapter of the book. The book read.

   Chapter 2 : learning about ancient families.

    The l/n family was really famous for having a bunch of past travelers.

    You almost jumped out of your seat. That was your family!. EJ looked at you with a puzzled expression. You put your finger to your lips.
     "Listen to this!" You exclaimed.

   "this family was also very powerful with money traveling and was known to have assassin's after them 24/7. The l / n group had two important leaders. F/n (your father's name) and Gorege Johnson. Together they ruled the east side of the Slenderman woods." You looked back over to EJ and smiled.
    "That was my father.!" EJ nodded not quite sure what to do.  You brushed him off and continued to read the book.
   "They were also known for being able to go so far back in time there is not a year date for. Now that seems almost impossible but somehow they pulled it off. The L/ n family died out when f / n went missing. There is no known factor that he is still alive and many tried to undo his past but nobody was able to figure it out. Some say that he started to live a normal life and had a wife and three children. Some say that he got killed by a group of assassins. Some even say that he lives alone by himself hoarding his power so only he can have it."
     "Your father seems mean.what was he like to you?" EJ got up and leaned over you, waiting for an answer from you.
      "He was- well umm. He was" you attempted to recall a memory of you and him or anything about your father.
       "I know he loved my mother a lot." EJ scoffed and sat on the couch. You rolled your eyes at him.                  
     Then the idea hit you. you remembered when slender put his fingers to your skull and force you to remember memories about you dying. So did he have the memories about when you were with your father?.
    "I'm going to go find Slender" you declared and ran to the door. Leaving a confused as fuck boyfriend.
      You ran trough the house until you found the big wooden door that was laced with sliver. Slender's office a sign read. You knocked on the door, and after a few seconds later you decided to just walk in. You walked in through the door and saw slender sitting at his desk with out a shirt on. He jumped and you spun around and yelled a flustered apologies.
     "What do you need? And do you know how to knock. You almost gave a heart attack." He scolded you.
        "Remember when you did that weird finger to my school thing that my new recall memories when I died?"
      "You can turn around now and yes. Why?" You turned around and saw him button the last of his white dress shirt.
    "Can you do that with any memory?" You asked. Slender nodded and sighed.
     " I already know what you're going to ask and my answer is no."
     "What why?!" You said flushed.
     "Because you cried last time that I went through your memory. Plus if it's a memory you can't recall then it's probably locked away for a good reason. Are you okay with going through that pain again.?"
    "I need to know who my father was!" You were on the verge of yelling now.
    "You cried-".
      "I'm not as fucking fragile as you think! Hell, I killed somebody and I laughed after it I think I will be fine!" You yelled at slender and then quickly covered your mouth.
      "I just need to know who he is and I need to know what he did to me as a child because that will get you the answer on how I got my powers." You said softer than before. Slender walked around his desk and straight to you.
     "I will do it as long as you don't feel as pathetic as you did the last time." Slender reasoned. You nodded. Slender sighed again and pointed to the chair. You sat down eagerly and waited.
     Slender pressed two boney fingers to your skull and without warning you were back in that place of all your memories.
     "Look for a memory with a chain wrapped around it" Slender's voice rang in your ear. You did as told and pressed on it. Nothing happened. You heard a growl and then suddenly you were sucked into the memory. Instead of watching like it was a movie you were actually in the memory you saw the POV of your younger self hiding in the basement. For some reason you felt scared.
    Then the door of the basement opened and a silhouette of somebody walked down the stairs. By his movement you could tell that he was drunk again.
      "Daddy please don't hurt me!" Your younger self whined at man. the man chuckled and walk towards you like a starved dog looking at its next meal.
      "if you don't get punished for your mistakes then who will?" He asked darkly. You could smell the whiskey on his breath. His eyes shined black in the little light you had in the room. You tried to scoot away from him. he laughed again.
     "Your not going anywhere princess." He grabbed you by the hair and pulled you out from the corner of the basement. He raised his hand and brought it to the side of your cheek. A big red handprint bruising on your face. You burst out into tears and kept screaming over and over again please don't hurt me please don't hurt me.
     "You will learn how to past travel and then you will bring back your mother." He ordered and dropped you to the ground. He stomped back up the stairs and slamed the door. The lock clipped and you werw left in the cold dark basement alone, hurt, and bruised.

    You're back in slender's office. One stray tear dropped from your eye but that was it. You looked up at Slender.
     "Thank you" you mumbled. You closed your eyes feeling exhausted from the memory. Slender sighed.
       "If that is all then can you please leave. I have work to do." He said. You got up luggish from the chair and started for the door. "One more thing, we will find out how you got them, we now know the why." You nodded and left without saying a word.

     When you got to EJ's room you didn't say anything you just walk straight to the bathroom and when the door closed and after you locked it that is when the tears came. You cried silently but tears flow down your face like a river. A rushing River that would take anything out if they went in. EJ knocked on the door.
    "I know your crying y/n"

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