chapter 17 last chapter of the book.

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   It is truly amazing how every time someone feels emotional pain, it doesn't hurt as a cut or a bruise would. It's just this heavy feeling. Your head spins and it's as if your tongue feels too big for your mouth. You feel the need to wipe away non-existent tears that you want to form but they won't.
And It is truly amazing how every time you feel that pain the only explanation you can sum up, is how you caused that pain on yourself. All that does, though, is bring on even more pain.
Every ounce of you wishes you had the nerve to swing your body off the top of a building. To walk deep into the depths of the ocean and stay down under. To take a gun and place the cool metal down your throat, pulling the trigger, shooting away from the pain.
But EJ could never do that. He had to finish this for Y/n.

Slender teleported downstairs around ten pm. It wasn't a full kidney either just two small pieces. EJ bared his teeth and kicked to food away. Slender chuckled and teleported to who knows where. EJ passed out again.
When EJ came to he wasn't wearing a shirt. Just his pants and shoes. EJ pulled at his chains again, then EJ realized that the chain was going threw his arms. There was a hoop of metal going through an inch of skin and on the hoop was the chain. EJ also realized that he had to either wait for to rot, or rip out his own skin to get out. He turned so he was facing the wall. He sat with his legs settled on the wall bent. He pushed. The pain that went through his body was indescribable. It was like someone was ripping out all his organs and laying not so he would die but pulled enough so it hurt like hell.
   EJ groaned as he pulled. Blood ran down from his arms into his hair and face. He didn't wipe it away. He stopped pulling and huffed. He panted slightly.
   "Good luck with that" Jeffs's voice rang through the cold atmosphere. EJ ignored him and started pulling again. There was a small snap. EJ relaxed and huffed.
   "What do you want?" EJ sneered. Jeff chuckled.
   "I came to let to have the key for those chains of yours." Jeff walked over and started fumbling with the keys. After a few moments of cursing, EJ was free.
   "Why?" EJ was still not sure that he was trying to help.
   "Y/n was one of those people who didn't care about what you looked like. She did not care for your mistakes in the past." Jeff aid quietly. "She was really easy to get along with." EJ really gradually while he rubbed his wrist. EJ looked up at the stairs.
   "Shouldn't slender know about this?" EJ asked. Then footsteps of something was coming down the stairs. EJ jumped and grabbed the first thing he saw. The keys.
   "He does known be we got he brothers to tie him up. And your gonna shank me with a key? Idiot." Ben got to the bottom of the stairs and gave him a metal cup full of green liquid. Acid.
   "Isn't his brothers gonna help him. He is family after all." EJ scoffed. Ben rolled his red pupils.
    "Have you seen the way Slender treats them?" Ben shot back. "They have been planning to kill him for years." EJ was shocked for a moment then laughed. He went to go grab his mask but remembered that he broke it.
    "Yeah, you were completely pissed off when y/n died," Jeff stated. Jeff was holding something behind his back. "We couldn't find the third piece but" he held out EJ's mask. There was a missing piece at the bottom. He slipped into the mask and sighed. The only thing that really showed was his mouth. He smirked.
    "Let's go kill this son of a bitch."

    EJ sneaked through the halls like he did when y/- no EJ thought as a pang of pain was washed through him. Just wait a little longer for me I will be there soon, y/n.
    EJ carefully balanced the acid in one hand and the other waved the other guys over. To EJ's surprise, a lot of people was in on this scheme.
But there was one who couldn't hurt there friends, like Masky and Toby. The had  made a special bond between the three of each other through the years of killing.
   EJ hissed as his hand that was normally gloved, landed on a sharp nail in the wall.
   "Just turn the corner and slender should be tied up." Ben directed EJ. EJ nodded in understandment. And walked down the hallway. There Slender was tied down with his brothers at his side. Offender man and Splendor was there. EJ handed them the acid.
   "You had to live with him all your life. It better for you to do it." EJ stated. Splendor took the glass and so did offender. Together they spilled the acid on Slender. and to make sure that he was dead they shoved a knife through his skull.
   A gun shot rang through the hallway. EJ grabbed his arm in pain. He spun around and saw Hoodie at the end of the hallway.
  "You know." Hoodie started. "Your girl might still be good at sex even in death." EJ growled and launched himself at the man. Hoodie didn't even try to dodge him. EJ tacked the man to the ground and banged his head against the floor until he herd a satisfying crack.  Masky and Toby screamed No and tried to get to hoodie. Jeff and Jane the killer grabbed them. Surprisedly working together. EJ took the gun from hoodie. He looked at Ben and handed it to him.
   "Shoot me." EJ ordered. Then one more gunshot rang through the house. EJ had a smile on his face as his body hit the ground.

   "What took you so long to get here?" You nagged. You floated around his ghost in a annoying manner. You touched his face lightly. And he felt it.
   He grabbed you from the air and hugged you. He was crying. His normal self (before he became a creepypasta),was back. And his normal sharp brown eyes grew softer.
   "Don't ever leave me again!" EJ wailed. You laughed.
  "I won't."

That is the end of my book. I know it isn't 20 but it was close. I hoped you enjoyed the story and wanted to thank everybody who read it. I want to thank my followers and the people who voted for my story.

I'm sorry about killing y/n, but in the end EJ and her were together again. So it was a good ending?


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