Jameson X Reader

724 26 12

Warning: Anxiety Attack, Viewer Discression is Advised

*Not my Cover Art*

Not a Request but I Just Wanted to Write it


I had been with Jamie for about four months now and he was the best boyfriend I could ask for! I moved in with the egos at the Manor around six months ago but I had known most of them long before that. I had known Jamie for around three years, I met him a bit before his first appearance on Seán's channel. Let's just say... I didn't enjoy the implied torture he went through in the film.

Anti wasn't exactly a fan of it either considering he had to lay on the floor and hand Jamie things, but he also didn't like hurting him so much, he did actually have to use his powers on him so the final product would turn out nicely. Jamie on the other hand was ecstatic to get to work with the channel after so long, even if it hurt him a bit.

Jamie is a mute but that doesn't limit him from speaking his mind about anything he has an opinion on. It was very lucky I learned American Sign Language a few years back so I understood him flawlessly. Some of the other egos however... not so much. Mostly Mark's egos couldn't understand him, besides Dark, Wilford, Google, Bing, and a few others, they struggled to understand what Jamie was telling them. On Seán's side of the spectrum, both Robbie and Jackieboy-Man were kind of spotty when it comes to understanding him.

Almost no one knew that I had problems with anxiety besides Jamie, Dark, Wilford, Google, and Chase. I feel bad for not telling everyone but I don't want to put more on their already heavy-loaded shoulders. I actually felt bad telling the people that do know but it was inevitable and would have come out to them eventually.

~~To the Actual Story~~

I had awoken with a start from the terrible nightmare I was just trapped in. A cold sweat dripped down my form as I shuddered when I recalled the events in the dream. I looked around my room to regain my bearings and assure that I was now in the real world. The same wooden flooring, the same (F/C) (Favorite Color) paint on the walls, the stack of books messily thrown onto the bookshelf. Yup, definitely my room.

I pulled the sheets off of me and hopped off of my bed onto the cold wooden floor which sent a shiver up my spine at the sudden change in temperature. I figured the best thing to do right now is to get a drink of water to help me calm down. Speaking of time I check my clock and see that it is 3:17AM and I let out a sigh, knowing that I will find difficulty sleeping again when I return to my room. I looked down at my hands and found them shaking quite a large amount. Great, just the right time for my anxiety to spike up again. I take a deep breath in and out then walk out of my room to the kitchen finding Henrik there making a coffee for himself, more like making the whole pot to take with him.

"Hey Henrik." I say, sleep slipping into the cracks of my voice.

"Oh, hello (Y/N), vhat are you doing up at zis hour?"

"Oh, I just woke up and decided to get a glass of water." I lied, not wanting to tell him about the nightmare, not wanting to give him another burden to worry about.

"Ah, I see. I vas just making some coffee so I can vork and not fall asleep. I zink some of ze ozer egos could use some as well, if you know vhat I mean?" He took his hands and motioned tightening a tie, referring to Dark, making me chuckle a bit.

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