Jackieboy Man X Reader

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(By the way, the main house they stay in for the oneshots is the Iplier Manor AKA Raspy Hill)


  I have been feeling really stressed and nervous lately, between the Egos arguing, stress over trying to find a job, and my side buisness in art commissions, my mind didn't like the strain.  I was at my desk practicing hand positions again and I just couldn't get it right.

  Too stumpy.  Not symmetrical.  Unproportional.

  It just wasn't working.  I think some of the others might have noticed something was wrong but no one came into my room to ask about it.  Lately, more of them had been going out to their jobs, meetings, or for other reasons.  I am really close with Jackie, but sometimes his hero work keeps him out of the manor for long periods of time.

  My breathing begins to quicken and my heartrate picks up as I sit at my desk tapping my pencil and foot.  I hear yelling outside of my door, but it becomes more muffled as I get more anxious. I fall off of my chair and begin shaking, I lay on my side and curl into a ball, crying.

  I felt as if I stayed like that for hours with thoughts going through my head, none important enough to pierce through the main word appearing in my mind:


  Apparently my door opened and someone came in because I felt arms curl around me and pick me up.  I couldn't look up to see who it was but I saw blue gloves and red sleeves.  I was still shaking and crying when before I knew it, I was on Jackie's bed and he was untangling my arms from my waist.  He then put his hands on my shoulders.

  "What happened to you?"  He said, in his sweet, strong, and secure voice.  His blue eyes pierced through me and his green hair defended him from being read.

  I was terrified, but I don't know why.  He's so strong he could break me in half without breaking a sweat.  But he's my friend...... right? 

  "(Y/N), I asked if you were alright.  Are you feeling okay?"

  "I-I don't k-know.  This j-just started earlier." I stammered nervously, he seemed so threatening.

  "It's okay, it's completely normal, I'm no Schneep or Dr.Iplier, but I think your having a panic attack."  He said calmly rubbing my shoulders.

  Then he lifted me up and pulled the covers of his bed down and put me under them.  I was really confused to what was going on, but then he layed down next to me.  He took off his Cape and put it on me, he also pulled his hood down and threw his mask across the room.

  "W-what are y-you-" "It's alright, you don't need to worry." He interrupted in a calming tone, putting his arms around me.

  I curled up to him and my muscles softened to his touch.  I was shaking less by the second and the thoughts began to fade away.

  "I'm sorry if I pulled you from your hero work, Jackie."

  "Nah, I just got home and I noticed you weren't out and about like you normally are.  I asked Wilford and Anti if they have seen you anywhere recently and they both said they hadn't.  I checked your room first and got lucky, are you any feeling better now?"

  "Yeah, thank's Jackie, I don't know how long I was like that in my room."  I responded looking up at him.

  "Well now I need emotional support."  He said with a smirk and pulled my head into his chest.

  I didn't argue and hugged my arms around his red uniform.  Before long he was snoring and soon after that, I was sleeping soundly with him.


  Anti POV

  I needed to ask Jackie if he had seen my 103116th knife anywhere but I haven't seen him around since he asked me about (Y/N) earlier.  I decided that he was probably in his room, so I went there next.

  When I opened the door and looked inside, he was cuddled up in bed with (Y/N).  I couldn't believe it! I teleported everyone in and showed them what was going on.  We took turns taking photos and sharing awes and then we quietly left, not wanting to wake them up.

  When I made sure the coast was clear, and booked it to Marvin's room to look for my knife in there.  I looked around and right on top of one of his spellbooks was my knife!


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