Dark X Wilford

704 20 13

*Not my Cover Art*

Requested By: blackbaerz

(This may be important later in this oneshot so just remember that most of my stories take place in the manor from Who Killed Markiplier.)

Wilford POV

  Dark was acting pretty strangely tonight.  He was snapping at the other egos more than usual and now he won't even leave his room.  I don't know why he would be acting so aggressively, I mean, no one has killed anyone for two whole weeks! Well, exept me of course, but they don't count me on that chart anymore anyways.  But that's besides the point, I need to talk to Dark before our ears bleed from his ringing.

  I walked over to his bedroom door from the living room with my thumbs in my pockets, noticing the familiar thump, thump, thump, of the rain outside followed by a crack of thunder.  I stopped at his door and noticed that the ringing has gotten louder than it was an hour ago.  I got tired of delaying the inevitable and knocked on the dark wooden door.

  "What am I being annoyed for now." Dark sounded annoyed, but not in his usual way.

  "Well old chap, I was wondering why you were being so hostile to everyone on this fine evening."  I said in my usual accent, some say I slur my speech, I say I speak in cursive. Get over it.

  "Go away please Will, and it is not a fine evening, in fact it is a very-" Dark was cut off by a strike of lightning from outside, which caused him to yell.

  I opened the door and closed it quickly behind me.  I noticed he was sitting on the end of his bed with his hands over his ears.  His window was usually open but I noticed it was now closed and locked.

  "What's going on pally?"

  "Nothing Will, can you please leave me alone? I'm fine, I don't need anyone's help."  He buried his face into his hands as he pulled his knees up onto the bed.

  Another crack of thunder caused him to yelp and fall onto the floor with a thud.  I grab his hand to help him up and notice he has a weak grip and is shaking like a leaf.

  "Dark, I know you are not okay.  Maybe that android knows what is going on."  I ponder.

  He shakes his head to stop me but I've already called Google into the room which caused Dark to facepalm.

  When Google walks in it seems to be grumbling something under his breath.

  "Hey Google, what is it called to be afraid of thunder?"

  "The fear of thunder and lightning is called astraphobia, it usually causes a panic attack or anxiety attack to people with this phobia during storms."

  "Thanks, you can leave now." I said, closing the door behind it.

  I looked over to Dark and saw him trying to calm himself down but his shell is now starting to crack.  I walk over and sit next to him on the end of the bed rubbing circles onto his back.

  "Do you want to put in a movie and relax for a bit? Maybe it'll help you keep your mind off the storm."  The only response I get is a nod and I begin to notice how shaky his breath is.

  I go out of the room after making sure he'd be alright by himself for a few minutes.  I told all of the other egos to avoid the theatre room for the rest of the night and to stay quiet.  A few gave me questioning looks after my requests but everyone here knows that Wilford don't take no shit from nobody, so they all agreed in the end.  I then went to one of the linen closets and pulled out the fluffiest blanket we have.

  Oh, and now the theatre no longer has singular movie theater chairs, but instead has new couches in rows which is perfect for my plan to help Dark.  I throw the blanket down and go to retrieve Dark from his room, deciding I can let him pick the movie we watch.

  When I enter the dark bedroom he is curled onto the floor and shaking worse than before.  I put my hand on his back and he flinches from even my light touch.

  "Ready to go?"  I ask in a soft tone.

  "Y-y-yes, b-but I don't w-want anyone t-to see me like t-this."  He stuttered.

  "I already told everyone to steer clear of the theatre so we should be alright."  I reassure him and recieve a nod.

  I put out my hand to Dark and he grabs it but when we go to walk I am basically carrying all of his weight because his shaking legs can't.  We are going much too slow for my taste so I turn to Dark and pick him up bridal-style.  He is shocked at first but doesn't object then nuzzles his face into my shoulder.

  When we get to the theatre I set him down nicely on the couch and sit next to him, pulling the blanket over us.  Under the blanket, he curls into a ball which practically breaks my heart.  I grab the remote to the television and then sit criss-cross and put him on my lap, and he then wraps his legs around my waist.

  "What do you want to watch?" I ask.

  "W-what about Wall-E?"

  "It's perfect, I'll turn it on here." I click onto Disney+ and select Wall-E from the search menu.

  About partway through,  my eyes snapped away from the trance of the movie and I took this opportunity to look at Dark.  He had bags under his eyes that signalled he hadn't slept for around a week and his hair showed signs of not being brushed in a few days.  His beard was a bit scruffier than usual, showing he hadn't shaved it in a few days either.  I guess I was staring too long because Dark looked at me with a puzzled face.

  "Is something wrong?"

  "It's just... you look like you haven't taken very good care of yourself the past few days."  He responded with a sigh.

  "I have had so much work, that I kind of forgot about my needs.  I mean, I don't even remember the last time I slept.  When did Mark visit again? Was it Wednesday?"  "No, it was Monday."  "Oh."

  "Dark, I think the first thing you need is some well deserved rest.  I'm right here and no one is going to bother us.  If you aren't comfortable we can arrange ourselves so you are.  I care about you, and I don't want you passing out from exhaustion or not taking care of yourself, okay?" He only nodded and then leaned onto my chest and almost instantly started snoring.  I was growing quite tired too so I clicked off the television and fell asleep with him in my arms.


  Dark's POV

    When I woke up I was wrapped protectively in Wilford's arms and a small smile took the place of my usual scowl.  At least I know someone truly cares.  I know the others tried to ask me about it but no one did what he did, no one went against my orders to help me.  God, I can be so stubborn sometimes. I need to let others help me but I hate looking weak in front of them, but at least now I can let my guard down around Will.

  When I look up I see him smiling down at me.

  "Good morning Dark, how did you sleep?"

  "Very well, thank you for helping me Will, you mean a lot to me."

  "You mean the world to me, I couldn't just let you suffer." He finished his statement then kissed me on the forehead leaving me blushing madly.

(A/N):  Sorry for the big delay, this whole virus is messing with my school schedule and I needed to get all of my work done.  I already have the prompt for the next oneshot but you can make requests on that once it comes out.


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