Chase X Tiny!Reader

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*Not my Cover Art*

Not Requested by Anyone

WARNING:  Mentions of abuse, trauma, alchohol, self harming, and suicide

(Y/N)  POV

  Chase left a few hours ago to go to court and try to get custody over his kids from that witch Stacy.  She's his ex and lied in previous court cases to make sure he can't see his kids.  He's dating me now but he still feels like he failed Stacy and that he's failing me.  Since we've started dating he has gotten more control over his drinking problems and hasn't self harmed in a long time.

  I hope he's going to come back soon, usually it doesn't take him this long to get back here.  Maybe the court case ran long, or maybe he won custody over the kids and is out buying new things for them!  I really hope he wins, it may be quite odd dating me while he's trying to raise his kids but they both already know that he's dating me and that I'm a tiny.

  I was in Chase and my shared room at the moment sitting on the edge of the bed thinking to myself when Chase came into the room and fell to the floor crying with his hands over his face.  His chest rose and fell as his sobs rack his body, tears slipped through his fingers onto his knees and the floor.  I ran to the bedpost and slid down, keeping my momentum going as I sprinted over to him and began to hop up and down to get his attention.

  "Chase!  Chase!  Please Chase!  Just listen to me!  Please just try to hear me!"  I try, even though he likely can't hear me over the memories of Stacy and the horrible things she's said swirling around in his poor mind, creating chaos.

  "Chase please just try to hear my voice!  I can help you!"  I shout as I begin to pound my fists as hard as I can onto his leg.

  He must have either heard me or felt the punching because he looks at me with red eyes from crying and gently scoops me up holding me to his face, pulling his legs up to the point where he  acts as a protective shell fron the outside world.

  "Chase, can you hear me?"  I speak gently putting a hand onto his nose.

  He nods slightly, his eyes focused on me as I speak.  I begin to stroke a small part of his green hair, a gesture that usually calms him.

  "Okay good, Chase, it's okay she can't hurt you anymore, she has no power over you, please try to remember that and remember that I'm here for you, and that I always will be.  Okay?  You may not have gotten them yet but it's only a matter of time, you have proof of what she's done to you and what she's done to them.  When I had first met you, your face was covered in bruises and cuts, you have photos and scars to prove it."

  "You're right (Y/N), I'm sorry for this, I'm just a-"

  "Chase.  No.  You know what she told you isn't true and I'll never believe a word of it.  She's a two faced lying bitch and I'd rip her heart out if she couldn't squish me... Okay?"

  He chuckled  "Okay, you win."

  "Good."  I lean forward and give him a kiss on the nose making him giggle.

  "I'll spare you the details of today's court case, but it ended in a continuance so I have to come again in about a month."

  "That's great but right now I think you need to relax for a bit, I hate seeing you this upset Chase, I want you to be happy."

  "Yeah, how do you feel about relaxing and watching something on Netflix for a while?"

  "Anything you want to do Chase."

  He smiled then stood up holding me close to his chest as he layed on his bed, setting me on his shoulder, and turned on The Good Place.

  Just then I realized how tired I was, which shouldn't be a surprise because I barely slept last night due to worrying about how the court case would go today.  I began to succumb to the sleepiness and I curled up against Chase's neck, dosing off.

  "You tired babe?"  Chase asked as he began stroking my back with his finger.

  "Yeah I didn't get much sleep last night, couldn't turn my mind off."  I half-lied.

  "Let's take a nap then, I'm pretty tired too."

  I nodded before he picked me up then layed down, setting me beside his face on the pillow,  I crawled over to his cheek and leaned against it for warmth.

  "You cold babe?  I could always have you on my chest with my hand over you if you want."

  "I mean, if you're okay with it."

  He smiles then scoops me up, rolling to be face up and set me on his chest with his palms over me as he promised.  I cuddle into his chest, hearing his slow heartbeat like a deep base drum as mine began to slow with it.

  "I love you Chase, I promise I will never leave you."  I spoke before I began to drift to sleep.

  The last thing I heard before I dosed off was

"I love you too (Y/N), and thank you, so much, just for being here with me."

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