Anti X Tiny!Dragon!Reader

813 22 97

*Not My Cover Art*

Requested By: P4ttka


  I was running through the woods when the thuds began to grow louder behind me.  There was no way I could outrun her, she was huge and wasn't even a normal human, and I can't outrun them.  Tears started to take over my vision as I knew my efforts were hopeless.

  "Where are you going tiny?  You don't belong in this world."  She said threateningly.

  I just kept running but the tears were making it so hard to see that I tripped and fell face-first into the dirt.

  "Finally, we both knew you couldn't outrun me forever."  She picked me up and for the first time I got a good look at her.

  She appeared to be in her early 20s but her grey hair begged to differ.  She was mostly human but had scales in patches between her skin.  She also had dragon claws for feet and giant red dragon wings.  She snarled while holding me up to her face, meeting my gaze eye to eye.  All tinies knew of her, feared her, and told stories to the children to warn of her.  She was the dreaded

Dragon Witch.

  I was shaking in her palm but she kept a firm grip on me.  I knew I was either going to die or suffer a much worse fate.  Unluckily for me, I had the second option coming.

  "You tinies are unnatural.  You shouldn't exist altogether, especially in my part of the woods."  She hissed.

  "I-I'm sorry ma'am, I-I can't exactly help w-what species I a-am."

  "No, but I can, you wretched abomination."

  She began to speak in tongues, to me anyways, she was actually speaking a long forgotten language only remembered and known by the most skilled magical entities.  Her eyes began to glaze over a glossy white and I began to feel my consciousness slip away.  I knew there was nothing I could do at this point so I just gave in to the magic's will.

  When I awoke I was on the ground in a seperate part of the forest and the Dragon Witch was nowhere to be seen.  When I went to push myself up I noticed something odd about myself.  I now had a pair of wings like the Dragon Witch, dragon paws with claws on my feet, a tail, and horns.  They were all (F/C) (Favorite Color) and were perfect to my proportions, luckily leaving my clothes intact.  I was confused and slightly dazed but shook it off and began walking towards something I saw in the distance, not yet trusting the new-found traits.

  After a lot of walking and replaying the previous events in my head over and over, the mysterious structure appeared to be a human house, big by even their standards, with easily three floors.  It was made out of a yellowish stone and had a pool, hottub, golf course and huge yard outside.  I decided that I was going to need human help if I was going to survive this situation and started getting closer to the house.

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