Jackieboy-Man X Shrunken!Anti

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*I Made the Cover Art This Time Please Don't Steal it*

Requested By:  Gracie_is_everything


(A/N):  Sorry for taking so long to update I've been a bit busy lately!  Enough excuses from me though, I hope you enjoy this oneshot!

Anti POV

  I sat in my room scrolling TikTok and laughing my ass off at some of the comedy, it was no Vine but it's still some good shit.  I heard my stomach grumble and checked the time.

  "Oh shit, it's 7 PM already?  I need to go eat something."  I said to myself, and you, of course.

  I then clicked my phone off, sliding it into my back pocket, and walked out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen.  I saw that everyone already had dinner, pizza, only the finest of delicacies, of course.  I grabbed a couple of slices and ate them while leaning against the counter.

  Just as I had finished eating Chase walked into the kitchen with an excited look on his face.

  "Oh Anti, I've been looking for you!  I wanted to ask if you wanted to pull a prank on Jackie!"  He asked with a mischievous look on his face.

  "Chase, we probably shouldn't, he got really mad at me last time remember?"  I said a bit nervously, remembering when Jackie yelled at me last time, he ended up hitting me which left a mark on my face for about a week.

  "I didn't get yelled at, I'm sure you'll be fine Anti.  And since when did you get so... not-fun?"  He raised an eyebrow at my response.

  "I guess you're right, let's just try not to get caught, okay?"

  "Okay, fine dude."  Chase said while waving for me to follow him.

  He took me to his bedroom which contained strings that he planned to use to trip Jackie with.

  "We'll set them up in doorways that he usually walks through and watch him trip onto his face!  It'll be super funny and it's not even that bad!"  He explained.

  "I guess, let's go set them up now then."  I say, still unsure if this is a good idea or not.

  We set up strings in the doorway to his bedroom, to the living room, and in the front door.  We knew that Jackie was the only Ego currently out so we positioned ourselves behind the couch with our heads poking up so we could see the front door trap.

  Soon after we finished and got into position Jackie walked in and tripped over the string as planned.  He growled and started to get up, locking eyes with us in the process.  Chase started laughing hysterically but my face paled to new shades I didn't think we're possible.

  "ANTI! CHASE! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?  WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TRIP ME?"  He yelled walking over to the two of us as we stood up.

  "We were pranking you dude! Get rekt!"  Chase laughed.

  "U-uh yeah, g-get rekt."  I said fearfully.

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