Preditor!Jack X Tiny!Anti

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Warning: Vore
*Not My Cover Art*
Requested By: Gracie_is_everything

(Anti POV)

  I was mad at Seán because just about anytime I brought a tiny home, I would find them gone and then he told me his 'instincts' kicked in and he couldn't control himself.  All I wanted was a little buddy.

  Now I'll show him.  I'll use one of Marvin's spells to shrink him down to the size of a tiny and give him a taste of his own medicine.  All I have to do is to sneak into Marvin's room, take his spellbook, find the shrinking spell, and use it on Seán!  How hard could it be?

  Luckily, Marvin went out for the day for meetings of some sort, I didn't care  enough to listen to him the other day when he told us.  This makes getting into his bedroom and getting the spellbook extremely easy.  I slipped into his room and went over to his bookshelf searching for the right book. Harmful Hexes, No, Curses for Facing Consequences, No, Dealing with Possession and Depression, N- wait, isn't that Chace's book? Whatever. Sizing and Rising Spells, There's the winner!

  I snatched the book and scanned the index in the front of the book.  Where is it...? There! 'Shrink for 24 hours', page 811, glorious as penny sweets on a Saturday morning!

  I flipped through the pages until I reached 811. Thank goodness Marvin isn't in his potion phase anymore or this would be much harder.  The page instructs to be very clear when speaking and keep hands away from my own body when casting the spell.

  I go out into the hallway and show my glorious fangs in a toothy grin.  I look down the hall with beady eyes searching for the preditor.  I look around for about twenty minutes but don't see him.

  "JACK! GET YOUR ARSE IN HERE NOW!"  I shout for him.

  "Calm down Anti, what do you need?"  He said walking out of his recording room.  Of course he was in there, when isn't he buttering up his fans with new videos?

  "Remember when I brought home tinies and you ate them?" I asked, spite laced in my tone.

  "Oh, this again? Yes Anti, I remember and apologised countless times! You know it's my instincts and I can't stop them, it's like something else takes over my body!"  Seán defended.

  "Oh, but I'm the monster when I can't control my demon instincts."  I countered, now pulling out the book for him to see.

  "Why do you have one of Marvin's books? What are you doing?"  He questioned while moving some of his neon-green hair out of his eyes.

  I read the inscription while doing the hand motions in the text.

  "Tarmenturius Tonius Twadwarfia Anglice!" I cited, my left elbow bumped into my chest towards the end of the spell.

  Fear was burned into Seán's eyes as he awaited whatever revenge I was going to bring to him, but it never came.  Because of the mistake with my elbow, the spell backfired and landed on me instead.  The room and everything in it became gigantic but halted when I got to the size of a tiny.  I was slightly dizzy from the sudden change but that was the least of my problems.

  When I realized I was a tiny and Seán, a preditor, was standing right there, staring at me I began to run to my bedroom.  He snapped out of his daze and even while I was running away from him, I could tell he made the switch from basically-human to full-preditor.

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