-Part 10-

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Hey guys, so today I thought that  I would share with you tips and ways to study the bible.

I started studying the Bible at from my younger teenage years and it has changed my life. It has taught me all about the Lord and his qualities and what he has done. It is like getting to know someone but in this instance, its our father. The Bible can be quite challenging to read. I have read almost the entire Bible, I might have read the whole thing and have no clue since its a lot and I don't mark what I read but ill show you the steps I took to reach that.

So step one is to get a Bible. If you don't have one in hand and you have a phone, try downloading the Bible app. You can create an account or not. It has bookmarks, highlighting, pictures, various types of plans, stories, videos for all age groups, and so much more. It is what i use to read the bible and its the handiest app on my phone. If you do want a Bible, churches might offer some and I will leave a link to a website where you can get one for free. The Bible app is also available on desktop.

Step two is to set a time for studying. You can choose to do at least 15 minutes a day or even 30 minutes a day, its all up to you. You can start early in the morning before school or work, during the day or before bed. Make sure to do this on a regular basis to help you get reading more and make it a habit. So when I started reading, I started with reading a chapter a day or half a chapter. I was very lazy but that helped me and now I read 5+ chapters a day. 

Step three is to write notes or questions and come back to them. Ask reliable Bible sources questions and pray to God to answer your questions that you may have. Get into highlight verses that you enjoy so you can come back to them. You can also download photos of verses on the app so that's a plus.

So lately I have been reading "stories" on the app. If you are familiar with instagram or snapchat, its the type of stories they have there. They have devotionals and videos that come along with these stories. I encourage you to use that feature on the app as it does provide studying help.

So ill share some tips

-highlight verses you like (using the app or not)

-join a plan within the app

-have a study journal that you can fill notes with in case you don't have your Bible or phone in hand

-start with a chapter a day if you are beginning 

-read the daily verse they offer everyday and reflect upon it

So here is the link to the free Bible. This site is Bibles for North America i believe and they offer free shipping on your order as well so the cost will be $0


If you live outside of America try using this link


So I hope these Study tips helped you. Have a great weekend and may God bless you!


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