-Part 13-

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Hello, I hope you are having a good good.

Today I wanted to share some verses that may help with whatever is bothering you at the moment.

First of all, if you are ever feeling a type of way, pray to God and ask for guidance.

So lets begin with some verses.

If you're ever feeling anxious read

-Isaiah 41:10

-Psalm 55:22

-Psalm 118:5-6

-Hebrews 13:6

If you're ever feeling discouraged read

-Isaiah 40:31

-Isaiah 42:16

If you need healing read

-Isaiah 41:10

-Jeremiah 30:17

-Exodus 15:26

-Jeremiah 17:14

-2 Kings 20:5

So I hope that these were able to help you, now lets go on to a verse and discuss it.

So there should be a picture of a verse below this sentence 

So there should be a picture of a verse below this sentence 

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Okay so this verse says, "Give God your weakness and he'll give you his strength".

I like this verse a lot because what its trying to say is that when you have a weakness in you, you can allow God to help you and give you his strength.

For example we all have weaknesses but there are weaknesses that may keep us from God and its important we pray and prevent that from taking over us.

If you think you have a weakness, pray to God and help him with allow him to do what he has to do so he can strengthen you. 

I hope you got something out of this, don't forget to study and pray, have a great week and God Bless!

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