Lets take this time to grow more with the word of God.
Not only shall we take this time but more time in the future to grow in faith.
We have activities,videos,challenges, and tips to share.
Dont forget to share.
Today we will be going over relationships,kindness and judgement.
Judging has been going on for a long time. Sometimes people tend to judge people without even getting to know them or where they stand and etc. That's something we humans should not be doing.
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God is the only one who should be judging us in the end. It is important to be kind and respectful to others and to not judge, be violent and hate others because of what they look like or do. Better yet if you see that someone could use the Lords words, share them. Don't judge and take that opportunity away from them, it might just change a life. Loving each other is what God wants us to do and to live peacefully. If people weren't so quick to judge the world would be a much different place today. So always remember to be kind and to share what you have with others. God is always by your side so do not be afraid!
Do not forget to pray today and thank God for all that he has done for you. Have a great Friday and God Bless you all! Love you! :)