Lets take this time to grow more with the word of God.
Not only shall we take this time but more time in the future to grow in faith.
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Dont forget to share.
Good morning everyone. I hope you are having a Blessed day and if not I'll pray for you today.
So I was reading the Bible today and I copied some scriptures into my notes app so I can discuss with you. So it says that God sent forth his Son, under the law to reedem those who were under the law so that we might receive adoption as sons. So you are no longer a slave, but a son through God. So God sent his son Jesus to die upon the cross for us to cover our sins and to be his children. No other love is greater than that. Not only that but that the spirit lives within us. So it's important that you always live by the spirit and live as an example of Jesus. We're not perfect and God knows that but if you allow God to control and help you through life, it'll change so many things and save you. Always look to the Lord and thank him and follow him and to not sin. If you need any help, always Pray and ask God and he will give you the answer.
I hope you have an amazing day wherever you are. Pray and study and stay safe. I love you, God loves you! God Bless You! :)
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