-Part 48-

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Goodmorning guys I hope you are having a good day, if not I'll Pray for you.
So today we will be discussing a verse.
So it reads "I loved you at your darkest", Romans 5:8

We might be at a time of sadness and we feel like there is no hope

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We might be at a time of sadness and we feel like there is no hope. We might be going through something that's tearing us down or have done something sinful. Even when we feel like we've been at our darkest, we are not alone. In fact we probably have been through a point in our lives where we felt as if we've been brought down so low that God doesn't want to regard us because of what we've done. I just want you to know that it's the complete opposite. No matter how much we've been through or done the Lord is welcome to open his arms and take you in, as long as you want to. God forgives if you repent. And that's a way to start a beautiful relationship with God so in your darkest times you can find light through him.
Don't forget to Study and Pray. God loves you and have a Blessed Week! :)

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