Lets take this time to grow more with the word of God.
Not only shall we take this time but more time in the future to grow in faith.
We have activities,videos,challenges, and tips to share.
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Good morning, if you've made it to this chapter, Thank you! I've had a fun time sharing Gods word to you guys. I've decided to end this book here at chapter 50 and in the future I am planning on making something that'll continue to share Gods word. I can't believe we've made it to chapter 50! I hope you were able to learn something here and allow God to come into your life. He will always be there for you and guide you throughout all that you do so always trust in him. So today I'll be going over a verse and discussing it and talking about how we can together take steps to apply Gods knowledge and the way he wants us to live in our lives as a special ending. So the verse reads "God has a plan for you", Jeremiah 29:11.
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God has a plan for each and every one of us. God knows what will happen to us and what he can do for us as long as we take our lives and put it into his hands and trust that he can guide us and love us and teach us his ways. We could be in our lowest states and God still has the power of changing our lives. Repenting,confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness, and seeking God is a way you could start. Let him into your life. Don't wait tonight or tomorrow or next week, do so now! Here are some ways provided by thegospelcoalition.org to repent.
The importance of repentance is hard to overstate. After all, Jesus's first public exhortation was "Repent!" (Mark 1:15)—and if it was that high on Jesus's list, we probably should pay attention too.
But how do we repent well? Psalm 32 is a wonderful place to explore the nature and process of deep repentance. Here are five vital steps.
1. Be honest about your need for repentance.
How happy is the man the LORD does not charge with sin, and in whose spirit is no deceit! (v. 2)
Repentance requires honesty. No one comes to God with true repentance in their heart unless they've first acknowledged their need for forgiveness and reconciliation with him. Only those who have ceased trying to cover up their sin with self-righteousness and deceit can experience the deep and lasting change that comes only through repentance.
2. Acknowledge the danger of sin and damage of guilt.
When I kept silent, my bones became brittle from my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy on me; my strength was drained as in the summer's heat. (vv. 3–4)
Let's face it: you are seeking repentance because God's Spirit has convicted you. We often blame others for our stress and general moodiness, but many times we simply feel bad because we've done bad things. David describes physical and emotional symptoms associated with a guilty conscience. We must honestly assess the consequences of our sin, which means assessing both personal consequences and the impact it has had—and will continue to have—on others.
3. Confess fully.
I acknowledged my sin to you and did not conceal my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD." (v. 5a)
Deep repentance demands full confession. Though it seems counterintuitive, the only way to be truly covered by Christ is to fully expose your sin. In the process of repentance, we must fight to be utterly transparent before God about the depth and breadth of our sin. Only ruthless honesty will suffice—and lead to freedom and joy.
4. Hide in God.
You took away the guilt of my sin. Therefore let everyone who is faithful pray to you at a time when you may be found. When the great floodwaters come, they will not reach him. You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble. You surround me with joyful shouts of deliverance. (vv. 5b–7)
Adam and Eve hid behind inadequate, self-made coverings to mask their sin and shame. We too often hide behind self-made righteousness in order to make ourselves appear more acceptable than we really are. If you want to change, to really change—which, by the way, is the mark of true repentance—then you must hide in God alone.
It's not enough just to repent of overt sins. It's not enough to say, "I admit to my wrong behaviors." All kinds of people repent that way, especially religious people with an image to maintain.
A Christian doesn't just repent of their outward sins, but also of their attempts to hide behind shoddy self-made righteousness. Stop hiding in your effort. Hide in God.
5. Seize the hope.
Many pains come to the wicked, but the one who trusts in the LORD will have faithful love surrounding him. (v. 11)
How can you be sure God will forgive you? His unfailing love. Recall and find assurance in the great promises he has made throughout history, and how they have been fulfilled in Jesus Christ:
His promise to Adam and Eve to crush the enemy His promise to Abraham to claim and protect a people His promise to Moses to provide a way for sinful humans to meaningfully relate to a holy God His promise to David to provide a once-and-for-all eternal King for his people All throughout history—right on up to the moment when you're repenting—God has been saying, and continues to say, "I love you. I will not fail you. I am enough."
Look to the promises of God, seize the hope, and "be glad in the LORD and rejoice, you righteous ones; shout for joy, all you upright in heart!" (Psalm 32:11).
Then asking God to step into your life is another way. Here is a Prayer you can use. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Lastly is to know that God has a plan for you and you have to follow what he says and trust in him at all times. He's your father and he knows all that is best for you and is the only one who truly knows and gets you and will guide you. Continue to read the Bible as it is the way of truly getting to know our Lord and his qualities and all that he is. It's like being friends with someone, if we want to know more about them, we ask them. With the Lord we can read the Bible and Pray. That's where Praying comes in. Pray is a beautiful way to get to know the Lord and to build a strong connection and relationship with him. To pour out our feelings and worries and problems and to trust that he will always be there for us. And one thing to remember. God knows what's truly best for us and what we think might be the "best for us" is not always and you have to trust that in the end, God knows what he's doing and what's best for us so trust in him. Apply what the Bible is wanting us to do in our lives. We can't read and not apply. So I challenge both me and you to start applying everything that the Lord wants into our lives. As always remember to read the Bible and to Pray each and every day. God will always and forever Love you, I wish you all the very best! :)