Lets take this time to grow more with the word of God.
Not only shall we take this time but more time in the future to grow in faith.
We have activities,videos,challenges, and tips to share.
Dont forget to share.
Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great day. With everything going on if you live in the U.S. or other places impacted I hope that you are safe. It is truly a difficult time. As someone who shares the gospel and believes in love and equality, I want to say that no one should be judged or discriminated over their skin color or anything else. God is the one to judge us. God made us equal in his eyes and all of the discrimination Black people and others are getting is just unacceptable. We should find a way to help this cause and share the love of Gods people in a non violent way. We should be treated fairly and God wouldn't want all of this happening to begin with. That's why today's post will be on learning to Love as God loved us.
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So the verse reads "Let all that you do be done with Love". I love this verse and I love the message that goes with it. When we act on something we should always remember Gods love and how we can use it towards actions or people. Learning to love is something important. God is love and the way to learn to love is by first loving God and getting to know him and to express that love into what we do. But how can we do that exactly? You can Pray! Praying is something we should do regularly. Pray to God and ask him for guidance. Ask him for his love and to put it into you. Talk to him, read the Bible and start doing loving things towards people. Start small and soon you'll be doing bigger things.
Always remember to Pray and study.Stay safe and God bless you all! :)